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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. J

    12 year old son taking prednisole 30 ml now on remicade and metrotraxate

    Thank you for the advise he's going for his 2nd treatment next week. He's doing alot better and feeling better also.
  2. J

    Crohns since 7 years old

    you are soo right and we will be asking again about this drug as he's been on it for 5 years.
  3. J

    Crohns since 7 years old

    Thank you for the reply. No they are going to keep him on metrotraxate and slowly take him off steriods. He had a colonoscopy last week and they found out that he also has colitis so they figure that the metrotraxate is still working for the crohns or something like that. But I guess is all...
  4. J

    Crohns since 7 years old

    My son Jon has had crohns since grade 1 first treatment was steriods and metrotraxate, folic acid,caltrate calcium and vitamin pills which worked for 2 of his flare up's 7 and 9. He has a problem taking his 6 metrotraxate pills as they stick and taste awful but we now put them in capsule and...
  5. J

    12 year old son taking prednisole 30 ml now on remicade and metrotraxate

    12 year old son has crohn's since he was 7 just flared up again after 3 years of remission - put on steriods but did not work now had 1 treatment of remicade - seemed to work but still had to stay on prednisole and metrotraxate was hoping he would be taking off of these. Any body else on...