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  1. H

    What do you make of this??

    DustyKat- The CT was actually at CT Enterograph. Mostly normal, just maybe mild thickening, but it also said it could be distortion of the picture? Apparently it was fairly minimal. :)
  2. H

    What do you make of this??

    Hi Aussie! Thanks for some insight! To answer your questions: His most recent colonoscopy his GI stated parts of his colon looked like it had granularity (and maybe friable? But I've read so much I may be dreaming this...). I know for sure he said increased granularity from just visually...
  3. H

    What do you make of this??

    Thanks David. I, too, am just that same person reading everything I can! I don't hold you accountable, but I sincerely appreciate your advice! We are working with a great doctor, but I work with a great many doctors and they certainly all don't know everything. It's definitely an art, not a...
  4. H

    What do you make of this??

    David, I would love for you to be right! I've said this very same thing to his GI many many times. How do you explain negative celiac serology with a normal IgA level? His ttg, EMA, deamidated AGA IgA and IgG were all normal. Do you have any info on this? Thanks again for all your insight...
  5. H

    What do you make of this??

    I think he's ruled out celiac from multiple negative serologies, and the lower bowel involvement (which happened first before the upper stuff started appearing). No scalloping, sprue, etc noted. Also, GF diet has not eliminated symptoms (and GF diet only after serology/scoping of course). I...
  6. H

    What do you make of this??

    In addition to his pathology history the following labs have been "abnormal": Elevated fecal calprotectin (270; ref range is 0-50) Slightly low ALT High SEGS/Low Lymphs in his latest Differential (CBC) (Could be related to being on steroids) CT Enterography: mid jejunal bowel loops may have...
  7. H

    What do you make of this??

    Thanks for the info! His first scope was an upper endo and colonoscopy. The upper showed "no diagnostic abnormalites" in his path report. His second scope, they only did a colonscopy. We requested an upper during his third scope to make sure we could rule out celiac and that's when we found...
  8. H

    What do you make of this??

    Thanks guys! We take him to Cincy Childrens and we've been there a little over a year. We don't go to Dr. Putnam, but his GI had his slides reviewed by the IBD panel there on his last scope. Their advice was to treat it like you would IBD and it's still too soon to make a final dx. My GI is...
  9. H

    What do you make of this??

    My son (8) has had symptoms for almost 3 years now (diarrhea, mucous (no blood), frequency/urgency). Started w/ the stomach flu that never went away. Fast forward to now, 3 colonoscopies, 2 upper endo's, CT scans, multiple drugs, and I can't count how many blood/stool samples, we are still...
  10. H

    Eosinophils and Crohn's? Pathology included...

    My son (8) has had symptoms for almost 3 years now (diarrhea, mucous (no blood), frequency/urgency). Started w/ the stomach flu that never went away. Fast forward to now, 3 colonoscopies, 2 upper endo's, CT scans, multiple drugs, and I can't count how many blood/stool samples, we are still...