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  1. J

    Upper abdominal pain with crohn's

    Yes, i meant colonoscopy...
  2. J

    Upper abdominal pain with crohn's

    I have been diagnosed for 10 years now with crohns of the ileum. I have went through a resection surgery approx 5yrs ago and also have had my appendix and gall bladder removed. Within the past week, i have been experiencing upper abdominal pain. The first time was enough to make me vomit and it...
  3. J

    Once again, trying new meds.

    Ok, i had a blockage that passed when i had to drink a gallon of contrast for a cat scan. "4- 32oz bottles in 15 minute intervals" The intestin still has a ulcerated stricture and surgery is in my future, just not today. Thanks everyone.
  4. J

    Once again, trying new meds.

    I have an ulcerated stricture from my previous resection "scar tissue" So, surgery is in my future. Starting this past Wed i had to stop eating solids because of pain. As of this past saturday i can no longer eat pudding because it hurts to digest it. So im now down to beef broth and mushroom...
  5. J

    Once again, trying new meds.

    Ok, its been 5 years since my last resection and it looks like another surgery is inevitable.. They now have me on Tramadol for pain and Metronidazole and also giving myself a shot of Cimzia once a month. The Metronidazole and the Cimzia isnt working at all. The dr says there is only one more...
  6. J

    Hope this medicine works.

    Have been on several and i mean "Several" different medicines in the past 9 years since my first diagnosis of Crohn's disease. Have had 2 surgeries, one of them was a resection where they removed half my colon and 2/3 of my small intestine. I have never went into remission yet. I have been on...
  7. J

    Very bad hip pains?

    For the last 6 months i have had very bad hip pain in my left hip. The doctor has had x-rays done and found nothing..If there is nothing there then why does it hurt? Thats what i ask him, he said it is probably arthritis. Sometimes its so bad i cant even walk. Has anyone else had this problem...
  8. J

    Crohn's And GallStones

    Gallstones. My problem is that i work for the state and not able to take off without pay...Financial situation. and without pay means without insurance so im kind of on an edge here.. The surgeon done a ultrasound and a catscan and i hope that he knows that i can wait or not...
  9. J

    Crohn's And GallStones

    I recently was hospitalised with gall stones and they want to remove my gall bladder and since i have had two surgerys already they now cannot do the Laproscopic and have to make anothe incision. The incision doesnt bother me at all. But what is worring me is this, Due to work i can not take off...
  10. J

    New from indiana

    :tongue: Hello everyone, I have been a lurker for sometime now. Im 32 years old and have had crohn's disease since i was 13 and was missdiagnosed for 13 years. So they didnt find it untill i was 26 and had a major episode. Since then i have had 2/3 of my intestine removed and half my colon in...