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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. R

    Bile Acid Malabsorption Support Group

    I was originally prescribed Questran light years ago as part of an old regime of cholesterol control. I took it in conjunction with a statin called Lescol. The questran binds the bile acids including cholesterol released by the liver. It was not until I had my gall bladder removed that I...
  2. R

    Sufferers of Multiple Illnesses & IBD Support Group

    I just turned 68. My cv so far includes colon cancer ,stage 3 into six nodes. I had my last scope in april last year. It produced 4 polyps between 4 and 12mm. Fornutately not cancerous. As of this january I have survived cancer for twenty years. I have auto immune nephrotic syndrome of the...
  3. R

    Bile Acid Malabsorption Support Group

    One of the things that my doctor did suggest to me when taking questran lite was that he thought it was almost mandatory to brush your teeth after taking questran. It can cause enamel damage. I found by brushing afterward I got rid of the taste and the grit. Ron.
  4. R

    The Miserable Prednisonites Club

    I feel for you rainbowchaser. All last summer I wished it was winter but as soon as the cold came I wished it was summer again. I live on the east coast of Australia just North of Brisbane. It never really gets cold here . I hate to think what I would be like in your winters. One of the legacies...
  5. R

    The Miserable Prednisonites Club

    My arthritis returned with a major flare the moment I finished my pred taper. The only drug that actually helped with the arthritis was methotrexate but it had too many side effects and in the end I could not even use it as an injection. Cyclosporine helps my nephrotic syndrome but not my...
  6. R

    Bile Acid Malabsorption Support Group

    I use questran lite (cholestyramine) When I have a flare of bile salt diahorreah . When I get it under control it usually stays controlled until I accidently eat or drink something that causes another flare . I sometimes go months without needing to use questran. I don't like to use it all the...
  7. R

    Bile Acid Malabsorption Support Group

    Hi Woodland, I am also a cancer survivor (stage3c colon). I had no problems with bam until I was hospitalised with acute pancreatitis. I have had ulcerative duodenitis and several peptic ulcers , but this time my gall bladder was the cause and it was removed. That was when the BAM...
  8. R

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Ron, I have long term auto immune problems after having chemotherapy for stage 3 colon cancer in 1998. I have psoriatic arthritis, auto immune hepatitis and auto immune nephrotic syndrome of the kidneys. My kidneys were a mystery. The only way to diagnose them was by kidney...
  9. R

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Hugs Miss Leopard, Both my parents suffered from vertigo, my dad used to be bed bound for at least three days at a time with a bucket beside the bed . He always described it as being seasick on dry land. My mother used to suffer dropouts . One minute she would be sitting on a chair...
  10. R

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Hugs Sandy, not my favourite test either. Ron.
  11. R

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    I should add that my brother has turned 72 and many of his doctors find it difficult to believe that he has survived so long and so well with ulcerative colitis and proctitis. His main saviour has been one of the cheapest first line drugs , sulfasalazine. I know it was one of the first I tried...
  12. R

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    I have had ten scopes since colon cancer. My brother is a long term ulcerative colitis sufferer. He has had 40 scopes. He has both ends every year as he also has Barrets oesophagitis. We are both so used to movi-prep that he quite likes it , not me I tolerate it. You just do what you have to. I...
  13. R

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Good luck with the stress test Sandy. The last one I had I couldn't do the exercise bike and they induced the stress with a drug. What a dreadful feeling , I thought I was not going to make it for a while and although they hit me with an antidote after the test my pulse and bp was wildly out of...
  14. R

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    I have been diagnosed with kidney stones on three occasions and there were a few more that I just handled myself. I don't get calcium stones , I have high uric acid levels and it forms little sharp crystals in my kidneys. Fortunately they pass with urine. Unfortunately they pass painfully. I...
  15. R

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    I suspect that auto immune is the connection Ron. I was dxed by a neurologist. He did nerve conductivity test which showed moderate to severe motor sensory peripheral neuropathy in both legs and my left hand. That was several years ago. Although he was aware that I had treated for colon cancer...
  16. R

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Hi Sandy, I am glad you don't have to add kidney failure to your resume, it is no fun. I am officially at stage two renal failure from nephrotic syndrome. If I don't take cyclosporine twice a day I lose seven grams + of protein a day. My neph and I had a big talk a few weeks back. I asked if my...
  17. R

    Crohnies with Diabetes Support Group

    The prednisone tho no longer being taken is still causing problems with my sugar. last week I did a day of tests. I take 500 mg of metformin at breakfast and dinner. At 6.30 am my fasting reading was 150. Two hours later it was 201. At three hours it was 184. At five hours it was 134. After...
  18. R

    Crohnies with Diabetes Support Group

    It seems to work well Doug. There don't seem to be many side effects tho some people suffer an upset stomach. If meds effect me any place it is certainly my digestive tract and I have had no problems with metformin. I really don't think that any steroid and diabetes go togeather. Ron.
  19. R

    Crohnies with Diabetes Support Group

    Yes Catherine I have been on it for several years. two weeks before he put me on pred and he stressed it was a low dose of 5mg my blood sugars had been down as low as 5.7 and 5.8 . He proved his point with the pred . He suspects that I have at least mild and perhaps moderate auto-immune...
  20. R

    Crohnies with Diabetes Support Group

    I had a serious run in with Oedeema a couple of months back. My neph checked me and said the fluid was nearly up to mid thigh and my lungs were also filling.. He did an echo of my heart , some leaky valves but not congestive heart failure . He did echos of my liver pancreas and kidneys. No...