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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. C

    Soothing joint pain?

    Thank you all for your wonderful suggestions!! Each of you have been extremely helpful!!
  2. C

    Soothing joint pain?

    I have suddenly been burdened with immense joint pain... most in my knees, elbows, and ankles. I understand this is associated with crohn's disease because of the inflammation.. but I was wondering what you guys do to sooth it? My doctor recommended daily ibuprofen... as you guys probably are...
  3. C

    One of those days.

    First of all, I realize that is not a very descriptive title, but fits best of all. I feel most of you completely understand. Upon realizing how hard it can be to discuss how you are feeling, and why you are feeling like such, with family and friends, I decided to try and vent my feelings here-...