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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. S

    Did your teens or pre-teens grow after Crohn's treatment

    Thanks all for your welcome and support! Peggy
  2. S

    Son (11) newly diagonsed with Crohn's

    Hi Amy - I just posted under today's 'New to Crohn's' post about our experience with enteral nutrition and how it helped our 12 year old son (diagnosed at 11) reach remission and get the nutrients he needed to gain back significant weight. Sending positive thoughts!
  3. S

    New to boards. 12 yr old son dxed w/ Crohns with negative biopsy and no diarrhea symptom

    Welcome! I am sorry to hear about your son's experience, and I think your feelings of overwhelm are probably understood by many here. My son is also 12 and was diagnosed with CD seven months ago via endoscopy/colonoscopy (confirmed by positive biopsy). He had the same symptoms you described...
  4. S

    Did your teens or pre-teens grow after Crohn's treatment

    I'm new to the forum. I found this post while searching the net for more information related to growth in pre-teens/teens with Crohn's. Many thanks for posting about this important issue. I found the posts helpful and felt more hopeful after reading. Thank you! Our now 12 year old son was...