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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. tnsunshine

    How to return daughter to Jr High without the drama???

    My daughter is on home bound at the moment due to a bad flare. This is her first year at Jr. High and new kids. She has had Crohns since kindergarten and most of our local kids understand the "moon face" and all but its the newer kids that are now thrown in the mix (kids from other schools and 2...
  2. tnsunshine

    This Must be a Flare

    I know from past experience with my daughter that when I thought she was just going into a flare it turned out to be strep throat! She wasn't complaining of a sore throat at the time but her stomach and running a fever. It could be strep but usually with my daughter she gets this during this...
  3. tnsunshine

    What are my daughters rights in school

    Can anyone in Tennessee share with me my options(besides home school too late in the year) for my daughter when it comes to 504 plans at school. She has recently had a bad flare and is on 40 predinsone and had been on homebound but that will soon stop. She had been dealing with Crohns since...
  4. tnsunshine

    Longing for Summertime!

    Kim, thank you for your response on the home school choice. I am glad you have found it helpful for your daughter. But on a totally different note the picture of your daughter took me by total surprise! She looks identical to my sister at that age!! I don't mean to sound crazy but I lost my...
  5. tnsunshine

    Longing for Summertime!

    Mark, thanks for the information. Yes Daway has been going to Vanderbilt since 2005. We were referred there due to the fact our pediatrician could not figure out what was wrong. That is where she has spent her weeks in the past on bowel rest. We have changed Dr.'s from Kent Williams to Dedrick...
  6. tnsunshine

    Longing for Summertime!

    She is on her 6mp and Lialda. For years she took the 6MP and Asacol but like I said had to use the prednisone about every six months after complete bowel rest. I hope to get more first hand information from parents who have chosen to use Remicade. But for now I do think that nerves are playing...
  7. tnsunshine

    Longing for Summertime!

    Hi I am new here but am at my whits end to find a solution. I am a mother to a beautiful 12yr old daughter we will call Daway. She was diagnosed with Crohns at the age of 5. For the first five years we dealt with flairs about every six months which would always result in a weeks stay at the...