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  1. serrickson

    How long for azathioprine?

    BTW, I also see your location is listed as England--we had the great pleasure of visiting London and several other areas while we were overseas from '09-'15. My grandmother visited several times during the 1980s/1990s and said it was by far her favorite travel destination. I would visit...
  2. serrickson

    How long for azathioprine?

    I'll put it in perspective: my son was diagnosed in Germany in 2010, at 6yo, and was immediately placed on 100mg/day of azathioprine (among other things)--he was about 55lbs at the time. You can't get single 50mg tablets without special ordering them in Germany at the Apotheke...btw. I was...
  3. serrickson

    Paleo Diet Success?

    LOL--he could stand to lose a few pounds!! His BMI was pretty high but when he'd lose weight back in the day (ages 6-9) he'd lose SO much SO fast. Our German GI was fine with his weight and I agreed, as a counter to the loses. He lost 10lbs in 10 days or so when he was 9, from 80 to 70lbs...
  4. serrickson

    Paleo Diet Success?

    Well I just measured him and he grew another inch in the past 4 months. His growth rate is about 3"/year ever since we moved to Colorado, interesting since everybody tells us people at altitude are typically shorter, due to the altitude... Don't know if that's true. Height is 61 1/4" and...
  5. serrickson

    Paleo Diet Success?

    THANKS! I'll have to check that out. Does it give me reliable equations and/or peer-reviewed research that converts ug/g to mg/L and vice versa, perhaps? LOL At any rate, this all sounds wonderful and I wish you the best! It's tough, I've been mixing Paleo, SCD, and WAPrice for 3 years now...
  6. serrickson

    Paleo Diet Success?

    So I'm assuming the 3600 is ug/g? From what I understand mg/L is the old unit of measurement, ug/g is the newer; yet in Europe they tend to still use mg/L. Who knows if it's still used in the USA, in certain areas? Our labs here are sent out, in Germany they did everything in house at the...
  7. serrickson

    Paleo Diet Success?

    JOHN UPDATE!! FIRST calprotectin test results in the USA came back on 6-19-16 and the results were great: <16 ug/g Looks great, sounds great; but here's the catch--I've been in Europe for over 6 years and they use mg/L... According to my calculations, the conversion is a factor of 5. Thus...
  8. serrickson

    Paleo Diet Success?

    TODAY was the big day: FIRST visit to the GI doctor, in the USA: EVER! 6 1/2 years with pediatric Crohn's... Everything went pretty well--good first impressions--and the doctor was very receptive of our family history and John's diet. In fact, he asked many pointed questions about our family...
  9. serrickson

    Paleo Diet Success?

    Well we went to the orthodontist on Friday and you should have seen my beet red face trying to explain what's going on with John, his diet etc. We just started with a new ortho since moving back to the USA. Second visit. The Dr. insisted I basically had no idea what I was talking about. He...
  10. serrickson

    Paleo Diet Success?

    Hi Everybody! Life has been extremely hectic: we've spent the past 2 1/2 months since I last posted, adjusting to the move from Germany to Colorado, after 6+ years in Germany. It's been a huge culture shock, but great to be back. The kids have bounced around schools, temp housing; but we've...
  11. serrickson

    Paleo Diet Success?

    UPDATES! Wow, where has the time gone?!?! I haven't posted an update in quite some time because we've been going through the roller coaster ride of moving back to the USA. In case you aren't aware, our family has lived in Germany since 2009. We've dealt with all of this Crohn's and diet...
  12. serrickson

    Paleo Diet Success?

    Thanks AMGray for joining the conversation! I love hearing what others are going through because it helps to motivate others, so I appreciate you contributing your experiences! I hope you both are doing well. Steve
  13. serrickson

    Paleo Diet Success?

    Weston A. Price is powerful stuff. It's more of an attitude and approach for me (for all 6 of us in our family) than a silver bullet like the other diets tend to be. Humans like a specific answer to everything: ergo Paleo and other diets, and/or drugs. It's a box. I can say this after...
  14. serrickson

    Paleo Diet Success?

    **GOOD NEWS UPDATE** From March 16, 2015 doctor visit, Calprotectin is now at 90!! Sweet! SCD/Paleo sweet; of course... When we're at this level, life is great. His doctor considers our last two years as stable remission. I think John's Calprotectin limit could be higher than what they...
  15. serrickson

    Paleo Diet Success?

    I'm about an hour into this video right now, absolutely FASCINATING! It is a very well done presentation and I HIGHLY recommend watching it. Well worth you time. Thank you for those endorsing it on this thread, I feel my life is better for watching it, and I feel less crazy. LOL The teeth...
  16. serrickson

    Paleo Diet Success?

    Yes, this is my next big thing! I haven't watched the video yet, but I've seen stuff online and I glanced the presentation. My wife has Hashimoto's, the TEETH, fluoride--I've come upon this in a round about way in the past. Of course, John's been in braces since May '14 and has another 19...
  17. serrickson

    Paleo Diet Success?

    That's great to hear re: your daughter!! I don't know if paleo/scd/etc. are cure-alls, you have to really watch it and educate yourself. I take a little bit from everything I'm reading. Right now, I'm reading about parasites--usually we hear about bacteria--but I found this topic...
  18. serrickson

    Paleo Diet Success?

    Okay! FINALLY, an update on John's progress. He had a visit at the end of September 2014 that measured his calprotectin at 590. That was the highest since spring '13. We took out honey, fish oil, and chocolate. We went back for a checkup mid-December '14. We did a complete blood workup...
  19. serrickson

    Paleo Diet Success?

    Yep, GAPS, I've looked at these. I pick and choose from what's out there because I don't really think one thing truly "works" so I try to mix it up a little. Keeping records really helps, I think I'm learning that going strict with one diet paints one into a corner a bit. So although we've...
  20. serrickson

    Paleo Diet Success?

    I'm actually getting ready to contact his doctor right now. It's been a month since his visit and we've been waiting for his report... Usually it comes after the hospital bills the lab, who then forwards it to us. It tends to take 2 weeks. We're in Germany, then the holidays, and of course...