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  1. C

    So Scared, possible Rectovaginal Fistula - questions?

    Hi Karo, Thank you so much for taking the time to respond (((hugs))). So in your case they were able to tell JUST from doing the colonoscopy that you have this type of enterocolitis? So how did you go about determining what kind of food allergies you have?.....or have you? If you have...
  2. C

    So Scared - for Colonoscopy on Monday - need support.

    Hello, Thank you so much for the responses, bless you all. My Colonoscopy and Gastroscopy are scheduled for Monday (Jun 24) so a couple of days from now. Here in Canada they do twilight sedation as well for these. The GI Specialist who's doing them is apparently one of the best in dealing...
  3. C

    So Scared - for Colonoscopy on Monday - need support.

    Hello, I am new here. I am so stressed out and worried and don't know where else to turn. I am a 45 yr old female here in Canada. In Feb 2012 I began experiencing intermittent explosive (and unpredictable) diarrhea. Thought it might have been a side effect of meds I was taking (Zoloft) so dose...
  4. C

    So Scared, possible Rectovaginal Fistula - questions?

    Hello, I am new here. I am so stressed out and worried and don't know where else to turn. I am a 45 yr old female here in Canada. In Feb 2012 I began experiencing intermittent explosive (and unpredictable) diarrhea. Thought it might have been a side effect of meds I was taking (Zoloft) so...