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  1. K

    Oh, the fatigue...

    I have been taking a supplement called quercetin. It seems to help with the fatigue. Try the above link for more information
  2. K

    How to kill my taste buds? re:Barium

    My bad, didn't realize there were two kinds. But come to think of it I have had the "Straight up Barium" too and it wasn't that bad. What to do you mean by "heavy"? Do you mean thick? Or- Dude, that is some heavy barium, whoa. What do you mean "before a small bowl"?
  3. K

    Is it me or the horsepill that is Pentasa?

    I've been on Pentasa for about 18 months. I take the round tablets(500mg). Three at a time twice a day, never had any problem swallowing them. Usually just drink more water if it doesn;t feel like it went down all the way. I swallow the three Pentasa along with three Imuran at the same time...
  4. K

    How to kill my taste buds? re:Barium

    Before I had a my CT scan they had me drink 2 litres of barium. Didn't find it that bad though. I know, some people tolerate it better than others.
  5. K


    I've been taking Imuran for 14 months with no noticeable side effects. I also find I don't get as sick when I do get sick.
  6. K

    Prednisone Acne

    I use a skin cleanser when my skin starts to break out. Here is the link for the product I use. It is expensive though($50+). It works by unclogging your pores. I used it when I broke out really badly when on...
  7. K


    My doctor had me get a chest x-ray and a TB skin test. Apparently if you have some dormant TB in your body it can cause some problems with the remicade.
  8. K

    The Fatigue is Killing Me

    When my iron was low, they gave me venofer. They stick an IV in your arm and you get this lovely brown liquid pumped into you. Plus I take a multivitamin too.
  9. K

    Oh, the fatigue...

    Thanks for the advice soupdragon. I have an appointment with my doctor in February. Definitely something I'll bring up.
  10. K

    Oh, the fatigue...

    In the last few days, I have really felt fatigued. I wake up in the morning and still feel so tired. I just want to lie down. Does changing meds help at all? At one point my doctor was going to put me on remicade but I was feeling pretty good so I kept taking the meds I was on.