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  1. sickranchero

    Surgery scheduled! Reversing October 19th!

    Hi Chad, I just had my colon and rectum removed about 5 months ago and they made a jpouch. I had an ileostomy from that first surgery and lived with it for 3 months. About 2 months ago I had it reversed. I agree with Amy, the reversal recovery was a piece of cake compared to the first...
  2. sickranchero

    Ostomy Takedown in a Week

    Thanks ladies, It actually is tough since it is the beginning. The butt burn is pretty intense. I did order a bidet so I am totally looking forward to receiving it soon! I'm trying to get use to the pressure inside me pushing on my butt hole, it is annoying! lol. One thing I noticed is it...
  3. sickranchero

    Ostomy Takedown in a Week

    Thanks guys, I went and got the Calmseptine ointment and so far it is helping. I believe it's the same as diaper cream. acg - I'm glad you are doing well with the ostomy, I actually really enjoyed having mine, my life was much improved then before. I'll keep you all updated. Still sore and...
  4. sickranchero

    Ostomy Takedown in a Week

    Ok I'm home now recovering from being hooked back up! This surgery was a walk in the park compared to the initial jpouch and ileostomy surgery. Here are the details: The surgery was 90 minutes, but part of that time they did a scope to inspect my jpouch, connection points, and dialate my...
  5. sickranchero

    Ostomy Takedown in a Week

    Thanks everyone. I get to start another adventure. I wonder ho the "flow" will go after. I've been dong kegle exercises every day since the first surgery, so hopefully that will help. I will definitely keep you all updated on everything.
  6. sickranchero

    Ostomy Takedown in a Week

    Thanks everyone! I am excited too. I will tell you guy everything. CDDad - My whole diagnosis is strange, it goes both ways. I'm 27 now, but when I was 10 I got diagnosed with Crohn's with a colonoscopy and I kept it in remission until age 21. Ever since 21 I could not get it under control...
  7. sickranchero

    Ostomy Takedown in a Week

    I'm excited, I get my ileostomy reversal in a week and start using my jpouch! It has been 3 months since my first surgery. I have my pre-op next Monday. It looks like I will only be in the hospital 1-2 days this time.
  8. sickranchero

    An Update

    Thanks Amy for the info, I am looking forward to my takedown. I have read that it can take up to a year for my body to adjust to everything. Right now I empty my appliance about 4-8 times a day depending on what I eat. I guess I will find out more about the effects of my diet after my...
  9. sickranchero

    An Update

    Got a question... For all of you who have had this surgery and takedown(stoma reversal) what was life like after the takedown? How did it feel? Was it controllable for you? Experiences please. Thanks a bunch!
  10. sickranchero

    An Update

    Thanks all acg - I do shave the area around the stoma before I apply the appliance.
  11. sickranchero

    An Update

    Hi Amy, I'm doing excellent! I feel soo much healthier and better than before surgery. No more pain, medicine, but just a bag to empty. Tomorrow will be the end of my first week back at work. As far as the bag situation goes, I use convatec one piece and change them every seven days. They...
  12. sickranchero

    Ostomy Friends Page- Tips, Questions and stories related to Ostomys

    acg - Thanks for the comment on the bike. As far as what I had, when they did the pathology on my colon and rectum that they took out of me they said I had colitis. For the past 6 years of colonoscopies and symptoms my GI and I have come to the conclusion that I have indeterminate colitis, but...
  13. sickranchero

    Ostomy Friends Page- Tips, Questions and stories related to Ostomys

    Hey acg, Ya my pain is mostly gone. I can do almost everything I did before surgery(no motocross yet). I still have pain if I sneeze or cough, which is really annoying. It's a sharp pain in my abs and goes away in a few minutes. It's amazing how much you use you stomach muscles. Not being...
  14. sickranchero

    Ostomy Friends Page- Tips, Questions and stories related to Ostomys

    Thanks Cindy. This whole thing is a learning experience!
  15. sickranchero

    Ostomy Friends Page- Tips, Questions and stories related to Ostomys

    Ok, I thought I'd add my input since it has been 5 weeks since my first surgery for my jpouch. I feel great, this is the greatest thing I could have done. I will be getting my reversal/takedown in the end of July or so. We'll have to see how it goes. My pathology report of my colon and...
  16. sickranchero

    Need to talk(Ostomy advice)

    Hey all, I've got something creative and funny I did to solve my clothing issues. My stoma is just below and slightly to the right of my belly button, which means my bealtline for my pants and underwear lay right on my stoma. I usually wear boxer-briefs and I took two of them and sewed them...
  17. sickranchero

    Need to talk(Ostomy advice)

    Hey Jeff, I have a lot of back pain for the first couple weeks, at times it was worse than the surgery pain. I just delt with it, I used the percocet, stretched, and walked as much as I can. It will go away over time. I still get back pain if I stand up too long. Oh, get a cane, it helps out...
  18. sickranchero

    Need to talk(Ostomy advice)

    Jeff, when I woke up from the surgery I had a clear bag. After that they had me using Hollister one piece drainable clip style. I realized this worked great as long as I layed in bed all the time. Once I was home and was feeling better I was able to move around a lot more. Since then those...
  19. sickranchero

    Need to talk(Ostomy advice)

    I'm doing good now, my stomach muscles are still sore. Most my pain is from my back, I guess my muscles are weak. My bed in the hospital was pretty neat because it had a handle on a chain that I used to pull my self up with to move. It sounds like you didn't have to have a catheter, you're...
  20. sickranchero

    Need to talk(Ostomy advice)

    Hey Jeff, I had the rod under my loop ileostomy, it's there to hold it in place. They took it out after a few days for me. No big deal though. I'm glad you are doing well with it all and will go home soon. I had a jpouch constructed at the same time as the ileo which I don't think you did so...