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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. tomes1978

    Not diagnosed yet

    Thanks for your replies. I guess they said they can't see the small intestine in both tests so the next thing will be an x-ray or CT with barium so they can see the small instestine ( was too out of it to know what they said this is comming from my wife lol) I just really thought they would...
  2. tomes1978

    Not diagnosed yet

    I had my appointment today, it was suppose to be only the colonoscopy and an endoscopy was scheduled for the 28th of May. Well the doctor that is doing my endoscopy happened to be in the hospital today and they asked him if they could do that today right after my colonoscopy, and he did! So...
  3. tomes1978

    Not diagnosed yet

    I go in for my colonoscopy today at 2:00PM. I'm suspecting that they won't find anything because I'm now convinced that I have an ucler. Doctor was concerned with Chrones when I first presented with symptoms so we'll see.
  4. tomes1978

    Not diagnosed yet

    Hi all. I posted a couple weeks ago about some symptoms I was having as far as bloody mucous in my stool and then black stool. My doctor wanted a colonoscopy and referred me to a colorectal surgeon group for one. They finally have me scheduled for my colonoscopy on Friday, this will be...
  5. tomes1978

    Help! Very worried.

    Thanks everybody. Well I have an appointment with the doctor on Thrursday (Colon Rectal Surgeon). I guess I will set up the appointment for the procedure at that appointment. I hate that I have to wait so long. I am feeling a little better, not as much pain in my abdomen and less and less...
  6. tomes1978

    Help! Very worried.

    Thank you both for your reply. Pen: Is there anything else, in your opinion, that it could be? Do you think I can get out of this without being diagnosed with IBD?
  7. tomes1978

    Help! Very worried.

    I am a 31 year old male. Thursday night I had diaria and I noticed it was really black. Then early Friday morning I woke up and and had to use the restroom. the only thing to pass was a small amount of mucous that had blood in it. That happened the whole day (at least 5 times), did not have...