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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. Mike58

    Diagnosed at age 50 & over Support Group

    Has anyone in our group been to the Mayo Clinic IBD department for treatment or examination? If so, I would like to read your comments about your experiences there. I am scheduled to go to the Mayo in Scottsdale, AZ on the 17th of this month. Thanks, Mike
  2. Mike58

    Crohnies with Diabetes Support Group

    Hi all, It's been a busy spring and summer this year. I've been in and out of the hospital 4 times since March. Congestive heart failure, undiagnosed high fever with lung issues, another SBO, and finally, picked up an infection in Yellowstone Park in July and came down with severe infectious...
  3. Mike58

    Disability/Unemployment/Financial Difficulties Support Group

    NGNG, Not sure about Medicaid as that is state ruled. I would contact your Medicade office and get the scoop. I also wanted everyone to know that SSDI may be catching up with their backlogs. I applied on 12/4/2013 online and the only contact I had was a letter dated 3/7/2014 introducing my...
  4. Mike58

    Diagnosed at age 50 & over Support Group

    With these diseases, I've learned that the only thing you can count on is change. Met with my arthritis doc this past week and the tests they did confirmed IBD Arthropathy. All of my joints are in pain and it is now hard to sit, stand, and walk. She discussed my case with my GI and they took...
  5. Mike58

    Coffee tolerance question

    My wife and I bought a Keurig coffee maker since I can only drink decaf and she still wants her caffeine. It is honestly the best investment we made. Yes, the kcups are more expensive but we only use maybe 2 per day maximum. I like the Italian roast the best. Dark and bold. It makes me...
  6. Mike58

    Diagnosed at age 50 & over Support Group

    Carol, My appointment with the Rheumatologist went well. She took about an hour with me which I thought was unreal for any doctor to spend that much time with a patient. They took blood for the RA test as well as other inflammatory test markers. They also took a series of xrays and even gave...
  7. Mike58

    Frustrated with pain

    Kristi, If SSDI denied you, you need to get an attorney to file your appeal. Also make sure your GI is onboard with your disability. Are you also part of the disability group here? If not, you need to be for support. I'm sorry about the pain. Many of us go thru the same torment. My docs...
  8. Mike58

    Blood in the stool?

    Ron, Other than the post, how are things going for you? Didn't you just have a surgery? My memory isn't what it used to be. I spent half of March in the hospital so I sort of lost track of people. I can only hope that your inflammation remains in the normal range and that you get some time to...
  9. Mike58

    Diagnosed at age 50 & over Support Group

    Thanks to everyone for your support. I really do appreciate it. Well, I ended up in the hospital again 2 weeks ago for a week. I woke up at 2 A.M. to do my thing and started to shake uncontrollably. Went back to bed. Wife felt my foehead and said I was not hot. Shivers until 5:30 that...
  10. Mike58

    Diagnosed at age 50 & over Support Group

    Sorry I haven't posted for awhile. I went into heart failure 3 weeks ago and ended up in the hospital for 5 days. My heart seems to have become "stiff" according to the cardiologist which simply means it is not pumping out as much blood as it used to. They call it HFpEF. My diabetes is still...
  11. Mike58

    Sufferers of Multiple Illnesses & IBD Support Group

    Great idea Jennifer. I have Crohn's, Heart Failure (HFpEF), Diabetes, Hypertension, Peripheral Neuropathy. I had to quit my job officially in February this year even though I haven't been able to work since July 2013. I've applied for SSDI and am still waiting. It does take some planning and...
  12. Mike58

    Crohnies with Diabetes Support Group

    I just got out of the hospital after 5 days. My GP was mostly correct about the heart failure. I was into heart failure when I saw him at his office last posting. My wife and I went to Las Vegas for a week and I suffered with the swollen legs and feet the whole time. Got back last Saturday...
  13. Mike58

    Crohnies with Diabetes Support Group

    Thanks for the support Liz and Ron, My glucose seems to be holding steadier using the 12 units plus correction. My GP increased one of my blood pressure pill's to 2 a day and the next day I woke up with severe swelling in my legs, ankles, anf feet. I met with him today and he reduced the...
  14. Mike58

    Crohnies with Diabetes Support Group

    My diabetes is running wild. Mornings are averaging 210, doc raised my base Humalog to 12 units plus the correction. This 3 times a day. I'm starting to feel like a human pin cushion. The good news is I've tapered off the Prednisone. The bad news is the doc and others told me it will take...
  15. Mike58

    Diagnosed at age 50 & over Support Group

    Saw my GI doc today for f/u. Had Remicade infusion yesterday. Just feel tired as usual after infusion. GI doc ordered up another MRI of lower colon to check on my fistula. It's been pretty active lately. Also more blood work as he thinks I have a bacterial infection in my lower portion of...
  16. Mike58

    Disability/Unemployment/Financial Difficulties Support Group

    Jennifer, Best of luck with your phone interview. I'm filling out a packet that SSDI just sent me requesting more info. It is stressful just doing that. It's kind of humorous when they ask for a list of your medications and they give you 10 spaces. I need double that. Exit4...thanks for...
  17. Mike58

    Diagnosed at age 50 & over Support Group

    Hi Mlits, I was in insurance sales for over 20 years. I got tired of the companies attitude of what did you do for me today? They never cared what I did to build a successful and profitable agency. Oh well. I do think stress is a big factor in Crohn's. My surgeon told me that I would need...
  18. Mike58

    People's feeling about not working

    Hopefullx3, Have you discussed not working with your doctors? I have not worked since July 2013, used up my 6 months of Short Term Disability benefits and have applied for permanent disability. It is a tough decision to make but you must put your health first. It is scary to think can we...
  19. Mike58

    Diagnosed at age 50 & over Support Group

    Good to be here. I was dx with Crohn's in October 2012. I was 57. Just starting a new job after a career in self employed sales. Felt great until the day the company called me to advise I had been accepted for the job. I felt like I was coming down with the stomach flu earlier that day...
  20. Mike58

    Delayed reaction?

    You were surprised with Denver....we are all still waiting for the game to start. Oh well, like they all say, just wait till next year. Mike