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  1. crf450r

    Gastritis and Crohn's

    Yes, he did give a acid blocking med.
  2. crf450r

    Gastritis and Crohn's

    I have Crohn’s disease in the last part of my small intestines. I took Pred for it for about six weeks and now I take azathioprine everyday for it. My pain never completely went away. After the Pred I started having a different pain in the upper part of my tummy along with my usual side pain...
  3. crf450r

    My Crohn's

    Well I am coming off of Pred. again and low and behold everything comes back. And this time I have knee and ankle pain thats so bad I can hardly walk. What is the deal? I am starting to feel this isn't ever going to get under control. I go to my GI doc tomorrow and the last time I was there he...
  4. crf450r

    I guess it's Crohn's

    Hello, I have the Crohns in the same spot as you. My terminal illeum was so inflammed that it showed up on the CT scan. When mine started I had some D but the worst part for me has been the very bad pain in my right side. And joint pain. Entocort didn't work for me. So my doctor put me on...
  5. crf450r

    My Crohn's

    LDN = Low-dose naltrexone Go to the treatment thread and you can learn about it. or go to
  6. crf450r

    My Crohn's

    My doctor wasn't to keen on the LDN idea. He's never heard of it being used for Crohn's. So he put me back on pred. 40mg a day.And I got a new med as well to add to the meds I'm already on. He's got me taking Kapidex 60mg. Its for reducing acid in the stomach. So this is list of meds I am...
  7. crf450r

    My Crohn's

    I go to the doctor today. I am going to ask about taking LDN instead of more pred.
  8. crf450r

    My Crohn's

    Now that I am not taking predsoine anymore I have side and shoulder pain again. I was on precdsoine for about 4 weeks and felt better when I was taking it. When I started tapering off of it the pain started to come back. It seemed the less I took the more pain I had. Now I am completely off of...
  9. crf450r

    My Crohn's

    Well the predsoine worked on me. And now the doctor is winging me off of it. And know the doctor has me taking Azathioprine. Anyone else taking this. Or anyone tummy pain from it?
  10. crf450r

    My Crohn's

    The predisone is working for me. I feel the best I've felt in a long time. My shoudler and side pain are completely gone. I hope I can keep feeling this well. Its almost like the Predisone gives me more energy, so much so I have trouble sleeping. Does anyone else here get this side effect from...
  11. crf450r

    My Crohn's

    Thanks for the link. It seems interesting so I ordered the book.
  12. crf450r

    My Crohn's

    Well I started feeling better for about 2 weeks but then things took a turn for the wrost. Entocort doesnt seem to be helping me so my doctor put me on Prednisone. I still have a high white blood count. and now my right shoulder hurts bad with my right side pain. The doctor says that crohns can...
  13. crf450r

    My Crohn's

    I ran the high fever for just 2 days over this weekend and then it went away. I had water poops and side pain too. I have blood work done every 2 weeks. I have had an elevated white blood count ever since they started doing the blood test. The doctor says the meds I am taking can sometimes cause...
  14. crf450r

    My Crohn's

    Today is another bad day. My right side pain is bad running all the way up to my shoulder. I am also running a fever of 101.
  15. crf450r

    My Crohn's

    Thinks everyone for the tips and support. Today pain isn't as bad as yesterday. Yesterday was real bad. It helps me talking to people with the same problem as me.
  16. crf450r

    My Crohn's

    Well I am a 29 year old male. Was diagnosed with Crohn's about three weeks ago. It started with constant pain in my right side. I went to my regular doctor and they thought I had appendicitis . So they sent me to the emergency room were they did a CT scan. The scan showed wall thickening in the...