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  1. Jerman

    Our Friend Jerman

    Back in Hell! Hello my friends, I have been thrown out of my home once again. We had three weeks where everything seemed to be going wonderfully. Then my future ex had to go to maine to visit a dying relative. She was gone for three weeks and at the time was constantly thanking me for holding...
  2. Jerman

    I don't want this life

    Hi Ian, just checking in to see that you are doing alright. Keep your hopes and will strong, you will be through these trials sooner hopefully than later. Please let me know if you ever need an ear. Things can and will get better, just look how much cuter Ames gets with each new pic!! :thumleft:
  3. Jerman

    I don't want this life

    Hi Ian, I am so very sorry to hear what a tough time you are having. I haven't been on here as a regular for a bit of time and was asked to pop in by a very special friend of mine who stepped it up at a time when I was in a spot like yours. This person managed to reach across the world and step...
  4. Jerman

    Update on Dusty's Matt

    @ Jerman, thanks for dropping by buddy. I am so happy that things have been going well in your personal life, may it last a lifetime. :) Thanks very much Dusty, that means a great deal to me. :)
  5. Jerman

    Update on Dusty's Matt

    Hey Dustykat, I haven't been on the forum for a loooong time but read back a bit and am so sorry that you and your lil guy have been through so very much difficulties and hellish times. I want you to know that even though i have not been around, you are always in my prayers and thoughts. Sending...
  6. Jerman

    Our Friend Jerman

    Thank you all so very much! I owe a great deal of my recovery and the strength of my spirit to you folks, never ever giving up on me! Thank you with all of my heart.
  7. Jerman

    Our Friend Jerman

    Hiya my friends!!! thanks for the kind words Marisa, and Amy. I am happy to say that things are going really, really well. I moved back home after a six month hiatus-my wife and i have been talking for a few months and are going to go to couples counseling to make sure we do it right, but it...
  8. Jerman

    Madasin's Updates

    Hi, so sorry that i have not been in touch at all... I really do want to stress to you that Boston Children's Hospital is highly regarded as one of the best hospitals in the whole world for little ones. Please call and ask for an appointment with Dr. Wilson, he save my colin's life. Colin is now...
  9. Jerman

    Our Friend Jerman

    Hello my friends, I am not at all considering reconciling anymore. I spoke to my boys about their thoughts and my 11 year old just said "no way", my very profound 15 year old boy said, "Daddy it is like when you break a mirror into pieces, you can glue it back together, but you can never again...
  10. Jerman

    Our Friend Jerman

    Thank you very much Jennjenn, some brief conversations she and i have had do not seem to lend to compromises and/or concessions. I am very guarded and anxious about the whole idea- torn apart, I obviously want to have my daughter in my life every day but simply cannot risk the magnitude of the...
  11. Jerman

    Our Friend Jerman

    I am trying very hard, wishing good things for you and your family as well.
  12. Jerman

    Our Friend Jerman

    Thank you, I think you have some very profound quotes as well. Whatever gets us through rite?
  13. Jerman

    Our Friend Jerman

    I feel my response is scattered and unfocused, so I apologize if I repeated myself or am unclear. Keep us posted! P.S. You don't have to apologize for anything. The forum is a place for support, regardless of your title on the board! I agree with others - take care of yourself and the board...
  14. Jerman

    Our Friend Jerman

    Ok so head is spinning a bit, the positive thing is that i am coming off of 3 days with my 3 babies. We saw gulliver's travels which had Alea 4, cian 10, colin 14, and Jerman 44- laughing our ***** off for nearing the entire flick. Definately a warped group we are but it was hysterical. On the...
  15. Jerman

    Update on Dusty's Matt

    Hey Dusty, so sorry I haven't been in touch-missed all of this, wishing for you and the whole family that the New Year brings healing & happiness.
  16. Jerman

    Our Friend Jerman

    thanks Cat- great suggestions, I will work hard to fight through the bS beauracracy and be the best Jerman that I can be. Thank you sweetheart for your compassion and loyalty. ((((((hugs)))))))
  17. Jerman

    Our Friend Jerman

    thank you Joanie, you are a beautiful and gentle soul, I love you all too, and will work hard to make you all proud. I am and have always been a bit of a captain comeback and will somehow do it again. bless you ya saucy brit!
  18. Jerman

    Our Friend Jerman

    Thank you Dan, you are always so sincere and direct, a strong and solid person and member of the family.
  19. Jerman

    Our Friend Jerman

    Thank you Suz, you have been an angel to me in so many ways i could never explain my feelings of gratefulness in just words. I am trying so very hard to stand tall and proud and will find my way once again, just do not know how right now. Ironically, the only place i feel safe in my own skin is...
  20. Jerman

    Our Friend Jerman

    Hi everyone, it has been a while since i posted and i felt the need to reach out once again. I am really considering resigning my post as a monitor as I have done nothing to help anyone especially the new peeps and am only on here when i need support. My insurance was canceled and I am now...