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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. P

    How did you get Chrons

    thanks cool, thank you so much! Like you know, I am any info is helpful info :) Thanks again!
  2. P

    My Story

    hi cool, thanks anyway, and thanks for saying hi...hi I am going to try and be a frequent poster so hopeully I can meet and say hi to everyone.
  3. P

    How did you get Chrons

    Hi everyone, Do any of you have any idea how you got Chrons, or think you know why? I know there is no known cause of this disease...but what do you think? Some things I think might have played a role in my disease.. I use to work-out like crazy, I was in outstanding shape. Then me and my...
  4. P

    My Crohn's

    crf What is LDN and where did you get the idea from? I think its amazing how well Predisone works. I have Chrons Coloitis, and there is a guy at my work with Chrons. He said if he ever feels sick...he breaks a predisone pill in half and it works. A bottle lasts him 6 months. I thought that was...
  5. P

    My Story

    Can someone also explain their flare up to me? How do you know if your in a flare up? Am i in a flare up if I am having all these problems? Flat poop...constipation, etc? Or is a flare up only when there is blood and extreme pain? I can never understand when you all write about flare ups? I...
  6. P

    My Story

    Hi everyone, I am new to this website, I found it about a week ago. I have been reading stories and trying to understand what many of you are going through. I was diagnosed with Chrons Colitis about 8 months ago. I think I had it much longer, but I am one of those guys who hate to go to the...
  7. P

    Something happened...

    fainting do u have blood in your stools? You might be losing blood somewhere. Your blood was messed up...I am sure it's ok now, thats because your body will re-supply itself. Let us know what happens when you get your results back. This was actually my 1st post ever on a message board. I am...