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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. L

    Is this likely Crohn's?

    Sarah, I just wanted to update you and thank you for your reply. I did go to the ER that night and my cat scan was clear. I followed up with a colonoscopy yesterday that was also clear. The GI said he suspects endometriosis in digestive tract or bowels or I think maybe even adhesions from my...
  2. L

    Is this likely Crohn's?

    Hi all. Hello- I am starting to wonder if I am now having a blockage. I am very dizzy, sweaty and nauseous and having constant cramping in the stomach . When I eat (anything) within 5-10 minutes I am in agony. I mean unbelievable pain-on the floor crying. It feels like I am in labor. This pain...
  3. L

    Is this likely Crohn's?

    Thank you both for your replies, I really appreciate it. At this point I think having the colonoscopy is first and then if that comes back clear insisting my gyno perform an exploratory lap into the intestines is necessary. Take care. Anna
  4. L

    Is this likely Crohn's?

    Hi Sarah, Thank you so much for your response. I have never noticed blood on my bm's. During my hysterectomy I kept both ovaries but had uterus, cervix and fallopian tubes removed due to recurring ovarian cysts and uterine adhesions from two emergency C-sections and pre-cancerous cells in...
  5. L

    Is this likely Crohn's?

    Hello all. I am a 34 year old female. I recently had a hysterectomy believing my problems were a result of endometriosis and pelvic adhesions but 3 months later the pain remains. I saw a GI doctor who believes I likely have Crohn's and I am scheduled for a colonoscopy in two weeks. All my...