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  1. Scorp14

    Rapid Remicade infusion anyone?

    I agree with most posters here, I've been doing rapid for my last 4-5 infusions and no difference for me. The main factor was that never had any allergic reactions in the past, so switch was none issue. Try it and see how goes, you can always go back to normal infusion.
  2. Scorp14

    First Remicade infusion

    First treatment today and went well. No side effects and only feeling tired but that could be due to lack of sleep. I typically only get 4-5 hours sleep per night. Hoping that is due to steroid that I can now taper off and get back to normal. Have my second in two weeks and will report...
  3. Scorp14

    Tapering down the pred!!

    I often get advice from my cousin in the US, she has RA and similar treatment and sometimes the medicine she hears about is just not available in Canada but I still ask. p.s. My GI called me back today and suggested I up my Pred. to whatever level I was feeling better. I was down to 25 mg but...
  4. Scorp14

    Tapering down the pred!!

    Methotrexate, Humira, Remicade etc. are commonly used here in North America. I am sure they have similar drugs in UK that are used. I self inject Methotrexate weekly and suspect with my recent flare up with reduced Pred. they may consider Humira which is a biologic med. But that's another...
  5. Scorp14

    Tapering down the pred!!

    I was started my journey October 2013 and been on Pred. + others for about 3 months. I was prescribed Methotrexate injection about 6 weeks ago and told to taper off the Pred. Was at 40mg per day and less 5mg per week. Bleeding was under control for few weeks and as I dropped down to 30 mg...
  6. Scorp14

    Appetite of a monster

    Me too been on Pred. for a couple months now. Started out at 8 pills - 40 MG per day and can eat like a horse. Easily gained 10 pounds and all the side effects, acne, sleeplessness, huge appetite (never full), grumpy etc. Wish I could exercise to mitigate the weight gain but I am also on...