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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. C

    Ill Health Retirement - UK

    Happy new year - well good news I got the ill health retirement tier 2, including back pay etc in time for Christmas, so it was worth pursing. The DWP and ATOS were very professional and quick - it would appear that the hold up for me was the Occupational Health Dept at the hospital where I...
  2. C

    Ill Health Retirement - UK

    Thanks - the NHS pensions people contract out to ATOS and they are the ones in the news with the horror stories. When you do go if you have any problems get the Union on board my chap has been very helpful.
  3. C

    Ill Health Retirement - UK

    Things have moved on in that I am not well enough to work in my present job in the NHS anymore (been off for 4 months) and have been given the chance to go though sickness and take early retirement (with the help of my Union rep) but I am still wondering about trying for NHS ill health...
  4. C

    Ill Health Retirement - UK

    Hi Tay How did you get on? I am thinking of doing the same but not sure if it is a mine field and don't feel well enough to fight this as well as I am currently waiting to see if I have to undergo surgery for a stricture caused by previous surgery 25 years ago for perforation due to Crohn's. :(