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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. flamingoland

    Young Adult With Special Needs & Crohn's

    Thanks but no, I teach computer science at the college, design/manage a lot of websites, and shoot video and still photos for a lot of the local bands. Just bad luck.
  2. flamingoland

    Young Adult With Special Needs & Crohn's

    Thank you so much, and though her story was shortened considerably for this, I do want to tell you more about her wonderful doc. While she was away in Florida, she called a couple of times just to talk to her (and me) and once time she called and asked me what size she was (every time she...
  3. flamingoland

    Young Adult With Special Needs & Crohn's

    Hi, very new to all this, my daughter turned 20 in the midst of it all. She started vomiting on 1/2, on and off for 3 weeks, pedi (we were about to exit to adult practice, but because she's special needs, figured we'd call them, hadn't been to the new place yet) said it was viral, after the 3rd...