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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. D

    Cost of Remicade?

    We are in IL. My son has Crohns and on remicade for 10 yrs. We paid $6000.0/ treatment in 2013, in 2014, it increased to $25,000.00. He just aged out of my insurance through my work so we are at a loss as to what to do. Medicaid is on a 5 month delay so we have been unable to search for...
  2. D

    Cost of Remicade?

    We are in IL. My son has Crohns and on remicade for 10 yrs. We paid $6000.0/ treatment in 2013, in 2014, it increased to $25,000.00. He just aged out of my insurance through my work so we are at a loss as to what to do. Medicaid is on a 5 month delay so we have been unable to search for...
  3. D

    Cost of Remicade in U.S.?

    My son has had Crohns since 2002 at age 17. He was put on remicade in 2004. THe cost at that time and up to 1/1/2014 was $6600.00, our part was about $400.00. He always got his infusions at the Rhuemetology office. The location was switched to a hospital infusion center and our bill for...