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    Breaking a 14 hour fast & crohn's

    Thanks Canary, yeah its definitely easier in the winter not just cause of the shorter days but also cause the weather is not so hot so it makes it eaiser, was 110 f earlier :yfaint: I tried breaking my fast with water only and would you believe it i still had to rush to the bathroom! one or two...
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    Breaking a 14 hour fast & crohn's

    I don't really even know how daylight savings work Basmah! But no we never change the time so i guess we don't have that, i'd be very suspicious if we suddenly started that in ramadhan LOL gotta love Egypt :heart::D Axelfl3333 Honestly i feel like i can't live a normal life so if this is mild i...
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    Breaking a 14 hour fast & crohn's

    waalaikumasalam! Thanks for the reply. Only 3 days left of the month so i think im gonna continue fasting and then see how i am after that (always harder to make up days when its not ramadan and everyone else is eating), i'm really hoping i go back to how i was 4 weeks ago! Its so frustrating...
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    Breaking a 14 hour fast & crohn's

    A little background before my question. I have what my dr calls mild crohn's which was diagnosed in November 2013. Prior to my diagnosis i had a whole year of diarrhea that only happened once i ate. If i didn't eat lunch, for example, i would be fine but as soon as i started eating dinner i...