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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. J

    Tails or shooting stars

    eyes I sometimes think I see things falling from the sky quickly in front of me, also I've got good sight no glasses etc. Weird thought it was just me.
  2. J

    What tests next

    what tests next Hi, I'm just off to the doctors in the next hour to get results from a camera pill test I had done last week. Briefly I've lost 3 stone, had massive amounts of watery painful movements per day, high white blood cell count, mouth ulcers and generally feel crap. They have been...
  3. J

    Side effects of metronidazole

    thanks Thanks for the advice, I did call out of hour doctors and they told me to stop the metron. That primal stuff sounds quite scary! Think I will give that a miss. Thanks for the link.
  4. J

    Side effects of metronidazole

    Afternoon, I still haven't been "formally" diagnosed with crohns but it's suspected along with IBD just waiting on the camera pill results. My doc put me on metronidazole 400mg/ flagyl but I have had the worst side affects and sopped them last night when my mouth and throat got really swollen...
  5. J

    Crohn's Disease with clear colonoscopy

    I'm in shropshire just outside shrewsbury.
  6. J

    Crohn's Disease with clear colonoscopy

    Yeh they checked for celiac disease, wish it was that then my life would be alot easier!
  7. J

    Crohn's Disease with clear colonoscopy

    Thanks for the advice I'm glad there are people out there who understand what I'm talking about, gives me hope. x:)
  8. J

    Crohn's Disease with clear colonoscopy

    Unfortunately I'm just down the road in the UK, little bit far for a day out but thanks for the advice. LOL
  9. J

    Crohn's Disease with clear colonoscopy

    Hi, really don't know if I should be here! I've got big problems but they can't find out whats wrong with me. For a brief history here goes- 10 years ago I started suffering with stomach cramps and heart burn so they did an endoscopy and found I had a dodgie esophageal valve so put me on...