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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. N

    Stuck with what to do now

    I tried giving up gluten and also dairy. That didn't change anything. At the moment just normal (not vegetarian, pretty much eat anything). Not really. I think I go to the loo more than before. Once or twice a week (I can't find a pattern) I feel sick in the morning for a few hours and...
  2. N

    Stuck with what to do now

    I don't understand either and did ask him to clarify. His argumentation is: "the [MRE] scan was to answer a very specific question which it did. We will now wait and see unless there any significant changes in your symptoms". I assume the wait and see means "you now go back to the every 12...
  3. N

    Stuck with what to do now

    I tried changing what I eat only to some extent and I haven't tried not eating at all. I could try both of these for sure. I hadn't/haven't really connected it to food. This is a good idea, thank you.
  4. N

    Stuck with what to do now

    I was meaning 3 or 4 times each morning. No, they didn't say IBS either. Although looking that up it doesn't seem to fit either.
  5. N

    Stuck with what to do now

    Thank you all so much for your thoughts, it's really helpful. It's not that I'm fixed or even want to see a private doctor, it's only that the gastroenterology consultant here says it's nothing to do with him. Actually it's not one guy, they work as a group together and you see at random...
  6. N

    Stuck with what to do now

    I was diagnosed a few years ago with IBD. They have never said what form. I had blood & diarrhoea and a colonoscopy showed that the last 15cm or so had lots of apthous ulcers. I was fine for some years but 1.5 years ago started to get intermittent localised pain in the lower right. I had a...