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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. K

    Unsure if Crohn's

    Thanks UnXmas. So my biopsy results came back. All clear for everything. I don't even have gastritis. She was able to get to the terminal ileum and biopsy that as well. She does not have an explanation for my pain and all she found was some diverticula without evidence of diverticulitis...
  2. K

    Unsure if Crohn's

    You are all right. I had my colonoscopy + EGD on Tuesday. Everything appeared normal but pending biopsy. I am going to try to stay off crohns forum until further developments and stop googling things. The discomfort and pain is still there, so I guess it won't help to keep researching things.
  3. K

    Unsure if Crohn's

    Darn it, I've been so tired. I don't think I've ever been this tired and I got a full 8 hours of sleep. My symptoms just keep pointing more and more towards it.
  4. K

    Unsure if Crohn's

    I am going to wait to see how my colo/egd turn out next Tuesday. Can SIBO cause RLQ pain?
  5. K

    Unsure if Crohn's

    Man, I feel like I most certainly have Crohn's. Every day I spend 5-6 hours looking at Crohn's sites, and IBS, UC, etc sites for the source of my RLQ pain. I don't seem to match any symptoms for any other differential diagnoses... Scared...
  6. K

    Unsure if Crohn's

    I was very gassy last night, and woke up in the middle of the night. My rectum also ached a little as well as my abdomen. I'm not sure if I woke up due to the pain or woke up and felt a little pain, but I started having CD related nightmares. I hope it's from the Omeprazole, since I just...
  7. K

    Unsure if Crohn's

    What were your symptoms?
  8. K

    Unsure if Crohn's

    Hi DJW, That's what I suspected initially. Reading this site makes me think my RLQ pain and lower back pain is certainly Crohn's. I looked over almost the entirety of the undiagnosed forum, and found very little people that said their symptoms eventually went away. Those with 2-3 posts, I...
  9. K

    Unsure if Crohn's

    Just saw my GI specialist today. I mentioned that I had IBS throughout my youth, and that it was very easy to differentiate this pain and IBS pain. She said that abdominal pain and back pain was pretty unspecific. She said that a colonoscopy at this point would be low-yield, although she is...
  10. K

    Unsure if Crohn's

    Hi guys, I've had these symptoms for the last 2 months: Occasional diarrhea (10 instances in the last 2 months) Mainly LRQ pain with some LLQ pain(doesn't seem tender to touch) white stringy substance in stool twice Lower back pain On and off sharp stabbing pains in rectum that last 1 second...