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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. mramsden

    Breakfast always makes me sick?

    Blargh! That's no fun at all - I'm sorry you're stuck in such pain. I used to never eat breakfast because it always left me with a cramp and a rush to the bathroom, but if I ate a bit later in the morning or at lunch, I didn't have the same problem. I don't know why that would be - maybe CD...
  2. mramsden

    Should I risk getting Chikungunya??

    Thanks all! The place we're going does have air conditioning, but I wouldn't say it's got air tight windows :) My wife and son are both pretty sensitive to bug sprays and other heavy scents, so we've got that to consider, but I would keep myself well covered. It's hard to get a good sense of...
  3. mramsden


    UC and CD are always going to affect your relationships in some way. But they don't have to ruin them. I was diagnosed with CD several years before meeting my wife. I'm not a very private person, but I think I was also a bit nervous about things, and I spilled all the beans on our first date...
  4. mramsden

    Should I risk getting Chikungunya??

    Thanks nogutsnoglory, I appreciate the quick reply!
  5. mramsden

    Should I risk getting Chikungunya??

    Hi All, I'm looking for advice on the possible fall out from a significant viral infection. The virus in question is Chikungunya, which has been rampant in the Caribbean over the past year (I'm new here, so I can't post links, but Google will fill you in pretty quick). It's a bit like Dengue...