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  1. J

    Fistula flares with bleeding and hardness off and on, when to head to an ER?

    I think this may be common, but wondering how others that have fistula's fair day to day year to year. In 2014 I was diagnosed with crohns after dealing with ibs for years, that same year developed a perennial abscess and then fistulas with setons. A few years later had those setons taken out...
  2. J

    Stelara causing asthma/allergic issues?

    Thanks for the reply. Well early in the covid stage here, i had a video chat with them. I've been prescribed everything under the sun. The albuterol is the only inhaler thats helped and it doesnt always work and it hasnt fully eliminated the "exhale wheeze" or the inhale huff sound i get when...
  3. J

    Stelara causing asthma/allergic issues?

    Has anyone who has ever been on stelara ran into an issue with asthma attacks? I had a history of asthma as a kid, but for many many years zero issues, never needed an inhaler. Then one day we got a hypo allergenic dog, thinking it was the dog, probably 1 year into stelara at that point, now...
  4. J

    Weird side effects of Crohns/Remicade/6MP or something else? (skin pain etc)

    Thanks for the reply.. yeah it could be something like that.. i was also thinking of going to a Rheumatologist.. to rule out Fibro or lupis (my mom has both), but i think those come on over long periods of time and have other symptoms.
  5. J

    Weird side effects of Crohns/Remicade/6MP or something else? (skin pain etc)

    Back in 2014 I was diagnosed with Crohns.. i had had IBS for about 20 years though, so maybe it was longer than that, though tests didnt show much (runs about 3-5 times a day, same today too, no change).. I'm 41 years old at this point for a time reference ... For about 9 months now I've been...
  6. J

    Fistulas and snorkeling - ok to do? and Healing possibilities?

    Yea I'm certainly open to outside thinking and methods. What sort of probiotics have helped. Also. This might sound dumb but with a bleeding abscess or fistula, does this increase the odds of a shark attack while snorkeling? I can't seem to find any real data on that.
  7. J

    Fistulas and snorkeling - ok to do? and Healing possibilities?

    I'm not on any probiotics at the moment, or they havent told me to try any.. Awhile back i had tried some higher number count probiotics (forget which one), but in terms of movements per day did not help, however i'd re-try some of these if it might help with general healing.
  8. J

    Fistulas and snorkeling - ok to do? and Healing possibilities?

    Thanks for the replies.. yeah i think ill be ok in bahama water.. however i had another development in my situation.. turns out i ended up with another abscess.. just above the old year old fistuala drainage opening. This one is draining on its own though, or seemed to be. Surgeon said to...
  9. J

    Fistulas and snorkeling - ok to do? and Healing possibilities?

    Greetings all.. i have a what might be a dumb question and a serious, but no less here goes.. I have what started as an abscess.. then was drained.. turned out to be a fistula (anal, left butt cheek basically for the other exit point).. They did a seton.. it became uncomfortable so they...
  10. J

    How to know if Humira is working for Crohns? Side effects like Folliculitis?

    Thanks for the reply.. much appreciated. I also started with a perennial abscess, which was plugged by a seton (last year).. but it still drains.. just had the seton removed.. dr said it wont matter with it in or without it, it will still drain.. he also feels no degree of biologics will cure...
  11. J

    How to know if Humira is working for Crohns? Side effects like Folliculitis?

    Just some background for reference: I'm 39, have had the runs to bathroom of about 2-5 times per day since i was about 22 (not well defined in size but not diarrhea either, mostly in the morning hours).. I was always told that i basically had ibs (not crohns).. These have been my only symptoms...