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  1. J

    Almost 4 year old now dx with UC

    We are going to get more land drawn soon and go down the immunology road as well. She just wants the smoke to clear a little first with all the other stuff first! Which again I can appreciate.
  2. J

    Almost 4 year old now dx with UC

    Yes. Steroids too. Sorry. Too much to remember! Going to have to start a binder!
  3. J

    Almost 4 year old now dx with UC

    Oh and start Prevacid for his throat clearing. He says he feels like something is in there. They didn't do an upper scope because they had been convinced of polyps so no way to know for sure. Everyone is regretting not getting the upper at this point, but what can you do?
  4. J

    Almost 4 year old now dx with UC

    All the stool culture stuff came back negative. I saw the GI doc today and she said based on presentation so far it looks like UC. She did say it was hard to tell at this point and it may still be Crohns. We are going to start the med, get a barium study and recipe in 6 months. My daughter may...
  5. J

    Almost 4 year old now dx with UC

    I had posted before that the docs were ruling out UC vs crohns vs infection. As it turns out with have UC for the win! My head is literally spinning and I don't even know what questions to ask! He is starting on sulfasalazine (hopefully you know what I mean as I am surely messing that up). What...
  6. J

    New possible IBD in 3 year old

    Ok. I will ask about iron levels too. Still waiting for the fecal calprotectin and cultures. We shall see. I have been told the calprotectin is pretty reliable.
  7. J

    New possible IBD in 3 year old

    I know they are going to wait for the stool cultures to come Back. I just can't imagine it's a gastro infection. Again, we went down this road before. And he isn't having diarrhea like he is sick. And it certainly isn't C Diff - I know that smell!
  8. J

    New possible IBD in 3 year old

    No EOS seen on the path report. I remember asking specifically because when he first was having diarrhea they worried about eosinophilic esophagitis/gastritis. Also got his bloodworm back today. Which brings me to another question - his labs were stone cold normal. CRP and ESR totally normal...
  9. J

    New possible IBD in 3 year old

    Thanks everyone for the words of wisdom. Couple questions- what is VEO IBD? Also, the blood is definitely on and off some days he has it and some days he doesn't. Is that normal? Yesterday is was running down his leg. Today is see nothing. Maybe microscopic? Got all of our labs today and sent...
  10. J

    New possible IBD in 3 year old

    We are in Maryland in the U.S. I am really in a good position, I actually work in the Pediatric Post Anesthesia Unit at Johns Hopkins. So as soon as we started having the initial problems I knew riht away which GI doc i wanted to see. We get a ton of kids everyday that have EGDs and...
  11. J

    New possible IBD in 3 year old

    My head is spinning and I don't know where to start. My some is almost four and we have been dealing with GI issues for about two years now. We first noticed that he was chronically having diarrhea. He was also waking up through the night, at times up for an hour or so. He never complained of...