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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. IBDiva

    Trying to Gain Weight

    Hello all, I've recently come out of remission with my Crohn's disease and I'm trying to be proactive about packing on the pounds before I start to really lose some weight. Since lack of appetite is one of my more pronounced symptoms, I was thinking that a simple and easy method of ingesting...
  2. IBDiva

    Where is the weirdest place you've pooped?

    Kind of a weird question, I know. But, I know we've all been in a situation where we've had to poop and there was no time to get to a comfortable or even clean restroom. I once had to use the bathroom so badly I went into the mens restroom at a pizza place -- they were individual bathrooms --...
  3. IBDiva

    Tight Pants

    Hello everyone! Does anyone else have issues with tight pants? I find if I wear any sort of tight pants or skirt my stomach either hurts or I'm constantly running to the bathroom. Also, when I (finally) am able to change after work my stomach makes a series of noises none of which sound healthy...