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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. H

    Back pain- 4 weeks after ileostomy

    All I keep being told is I've had major surgery and it's going to take a long time to recover. My wound that's opened goes 6cm deep, so they're packing it every day with aquacell. I just wondered if back pain is normal. It gets a lot worse if I walk for any length of time or lie in the same position
  2. H

    Back pain- 4 weeks after ileostomy

    Hi guys, I'm not new to this site, but forgot my logins! Doh After suffering with Crohns for 10 years I had to have emergency surgery nearly 4weeks ago and now I have a permanant ileostomy and had my entire colon removed. The operation was keyhole but lasted 7 1/2 hours. I developed a kidney...