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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. K

    Skyrizi and surgery...

    Thank you. I don't want to stop unless I have to, but I really need this surgery. I will talk to one of the GI's minions whenever they decide to call back. thanks again
  2. K

    Skyrizi and surgery...

    I am currently getting Skyrizi infusions and am in between the second and third dose. Third dose is due in two weeks, but I am going to be scheduled for shoulder surgery (rotator cuff) sometime in the next 4-5 weeks. I am getting conflicting information about stopping the skyrizi for one cycle...
  3. K

    My Cure for Crohns

    Sorry to revive such an old thread but I'm wondering if anyone else has experience with ginseng. I'm mainly looking for some relief from this constant fatigue, but if it helps with the Crohn's that's fine too.....
  4. K

    Immunoglobulin infusions for Crohn's (IVig)

    Started on Asacol in 2005 when I was finally diagnosed, after many, many years of looking for answers. I'm 69 now. Anyway, next was Pentasa...nothing. Then 6mp... horrible side effects then Remicade (allergic reaction) was taking prednisone with all this stuff, on and off. with the dosage...
  5. K

    Immunoglobulin infusions for Crohn's (IVig)

    my little penguin..... Thank you very much, and I'm so sorry to hear about your child. I hope he is doing well. I have had six of these since April of this year. I don't think they have done any harm, but I know they are not helping at all. I'm leaning toward pulling the plug, and this helps ...
  6. K

    Immunoglobulin infusions for Crohn's (IVig)

    I've been a member for a long time, but have not posted much. Have any of you ever been on Immunoglobulin infusions for Crohn's disease ? If so, do you know what the infusion dose whas/is and how often you got the infusion ? Also, has it helped you at all. My doctor started me on the infusions...