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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. M

    Scared of surgery

    Thank you so much this is so good to hear from someone who’s had the procedure and doing well! The Crohn’s is in remission so I guess that’s why the want to proceed now. Good luck with your recovery and thank you again for taking the time to reply. You’ve been a great comfort x
  2. M

    Scared of surgery

    Thank you good advice. I think I just want to hear it from another surgeon then I won’t ever wonder if there was another option. I’m still eating a low residue diet but juicing in order to get the nutrients. Stomach seems happy at the moment but I know it’s an op that needs to be done you’re...
  3. M

    Scared of surgery

    Thank you so much for you advice I’m going to get a second opinion to discuss if there’s a a way of not taking so much of the colon away. I’ve discovered juicing so my stomach seems okay at the moment so hopefully that can buy me some time!
  4. M

    Scared of surgery

    I had an appointment this morning with the surgeon, who has said because I have 2 strictures one ilium and one in the transverse colon I have to have that whole section removed. I’m so upset as I was hoping to have strictureplasty and wasn’t expecting that so much needs to be removed. I’ve had...