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  1. S

    10 yr old being tested for IBD

    You know it's funny - it said on his results Intravenous Gadolinium appropriate for body weight was injected uneventfully during the scan. -- I was wondering why they didn't mention that he vomited several times after this was given. And a few times I could see him moving so I asked the tech...
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    10 yr old being tested for IBD

    Hi Jessica - Thank you so much for your response. When you've had issues with movement on the MRE does it say inconclusive due to movement? His said: impression: Motion artifact limits evaluation. Unremarkable MR enterography. No focal bowel wall thickening, no signs of acute or chronic...
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    10 yr old being tested for IBD

    Okay I will call today. I guess I should start with the GI department and go from there? what type of issues does your lactose tolerant kiddo have? Did your son ever have issues with too much movement on the MRE? And do you think it is even worth it to go through with the capsule endoscopy...
  4. S

    10 yr old being tested for IBD

    So they did just post the results. It does say everything normal pretty much but it said motion artifact limited entire evaluation. I am going to assume this means he moved around too much, which was mainly because he was dry heaving and vomiting. I asked the nurse if they could give him some...
  5. S

    10 yr old being tested for IBD

    Thank you LP. I will definitely mention it his GI whenever I actually hear from her. She is a hard one to get ahold of. I called to see if they had gotten his results from MRE and a nurse wrote me an email just saying his MRE results were normal. I was hoping to see the actual results so...
  6. S

    10 yr old being tested for IBD

    Aw thank you for thinking of us! He did pretty well. He didn’t mind the taste of the drink at all but it went right through him and made him pretty sick but honestly I feel like everything makes him sick these days. The meds that stop bowel movement made him super sick too but that was...
  7. S

    10 yr old being tested for IBD

    Woah! So the parents have to be x-rayed to be allowed in the room?? They never mentioned that - they should have! I wonder if because of COVID they will even allow either my husband or me into the room with him. They only let us go so far with the scopes - we weren't permitted to sit with him...
  8. S

    10 yr old being tested for IBD

    Thank you so much WindingRs!! That is actually a great idea - to have him google the magnetic field. He is so into science so maybe that would make him excited for it! You guys are so awesome always! My heart goes out to you to go through that whirlwind of having to get all those tests back to...
  9. S

    10 yr old being tested for IBD

    Thank you so much Jo-mom!
  10. S

    10 yr old being tested for IBD

    Thank you MLP and WindingRS!! I actually read both of your messages to my little guy, and that helped tremendously - he is feeling much better about going tomorrow. I think this is all so scary because we don't personally know anyone that has any of the issues he has, so we definitely don't...
  11. S

    10 yr old being tested for IBD

    Hi Little Penguin - Thank you so much for checking up on me! His doctor got us right in for an MRE so we go this Friday. She seems to think he is going to have inflammation in his small intestine too which could be crowns of his stomach and small intestine but she said this just what she is...
  12. S

    10 yr old being tested for IBD

    Thank you so much for your reply! We have had blood work and he had some abnormalities (white blood count pretty low/neutrophills low/BUN/Creation Ratio was high and out of normal standards/A/G ratio was off the charts high/and BUN was just out of the high normal limit - that is all I can...
  13. S

    Anyone have a Normal Fecal Calprotectin Level but diagnosed with IBD?

    Thank you so much for your reply, Maya! Nausea and feeling full are definitely familiar for literally takes him 2 hours to finish one first we thought it was because he was distracted but he starts to feel really nauseas every time he eats but then he is hungry later...we try...
  14. S

    10 yr old being tested for IBD

    Thank you. Obviously I will be meeting with his doctor as soon as they call me. Just got the pathology today so was looking for feedback if anyone had anything similar until I talk to the doctor. I am not looking for a diagnosis here...just feedback. I am just a worried sick mama wanting my...
  15. S

    10 yr old being tested for IBD

    Hi there - I’ve been posting in parents with children that have IBD - but wanted to get some further son has been dealing with a few years of mouth ulcers, debilitating stomach pain, Constant loose stools, failure to thrive, irritated eyes and skin..and just recently started...
  16. S

    Anyone have a Normal Fecal Calprotectin Level but diagnosed with IBD?

    Okay so right after I wrote that last message I got his test results...please help me decipher..
  17. S

    Anyone have a Normal Fecal Calprotectin Level but diagnosed with IBD?

    Hi Little Penguin...we haven’t received any more test results yet (it has not even been 5 days - she said 7-10) but I’ve been doing a lot of research based on a lot of stuff I’m reading on here...and another question for you - would they see anything on his endoscopy that would indicate...
  18. S

    Anyone have a Normal Fecal Calprotectin Level but diagnosed with IBD?

    Thank you so much for the info as always! I was really strict with reading labels because he was really sick at the time and I was a nervous wreck. I am very OCD so I when I do something, I do it insanely :) but I am also human so of course always a chance of missing something. It's worth...
  19. S

    Anyone have a Normal Fecal Calprotectin Level but diagnosed with IBD?

    We have tried Pediasure, boost, and carnation instant breakfast (as per his pediatrician)...He didn't like them at all, and would hold his nose to try and take them down and gag and eventually vomit :(...That is a GREAT idea to start him with the gross tasting ones and work on up - I wish his...
  20. S

    Anyone have a Normal Fecal Calprotectin Level but diagnosed with IBD?

    Yes! He eats SOOOOO much! I have been tracking for awhile. He literally eats 3 times what my other 2 eat and doesn't gain or grow. My daughter is 9 (he is 10) and is almost 5 inches taller and has 20 lbs on him. They are only 16 months apart. When they were younger he was bigger and then...