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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. trigunkyle

    What drinks/shakes have you tried for weight gain/maintaining weight?

    When I was 15 and seeing my GI for the first time about my Chron's, he said that I should work on increasing and maintaining my current weight, because I'm very small and close to being underweight. He said that adding shakes and protein drinks to my regular diet could help. So far, the drinks...
  2. trigunkyle

    Anyone experiencing problems with “Gag.”

    I have something similar, where after I get too stressed, or too much physical activity, eat the wrong thing, or lay down too long- my stomach will start to hurt, and if I keep moving too much, I will start randomly gagging on and off. It makes it hard to keep food down if I ate something before...
  3. trigunkyle

    Traveling with Crohn's

    I'm 23. I've only really traveled by car, and by plane! Here's my general things I do: Avoid fiber in my foods if I can while I'm traveling. It makes it worse or just makes me constipated. In fact, I'd pack a few safe foods. Foods you have confirmed do not give you bad symptoms after eating...
  4. trigunkyle

    2019 was certainly a year

    Hello all! I had no idea there was a forum where people with similar troubles like me could just talk and share experiences! My story goes like this: So It's 2018, and I'm 15, and in late August, I got blasted with (started experiencing) symptoms that would be what my doctors would call...