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  1. drew_wymore

    Pill cam questions

    One of them just sat in my stomach for 8 hours, another got partially stuck and a couple more weren't clear enough to get what they wanted. The 5th one found the inflammation that 2 colonoscopies couldn't find :-)
  2. drew_wymore

    Pill cam questions

    I had to do the prep .. if you search this forum you'll see I've had the pill cam 5 times ;-) Not too bad just don't go to any airports =p Normal colonoscopy prep for me when I did it to make sure they got clear images.
  3. drew_wymore

    How long until 50 mg Prednisone kicks in?

    Hope so Kelly. I was on 60mg but that was after being on solu-medrol on the hospital and it kicked in pretty quick. If you've got some gnarly inflammation going on I can imagine it might take a little bit to get it knocked back down.
  4. drew_wymore

    Still fighting for diagnosis... advice, please?

    Hi Arin - Without the context of what tests your doctor specifically ordered relating to IgA and IgG I can't be sure what those results mean. If those are total serum counts for those specific immunoglobulins it sounds like you have what I have which is called Common Variable Immune Deficiency...
  5. drew_wymore

    Marijuana for IBD?

    I don't know that it mediates inflammation but I have used it for pain management before and it's appetite inducing properties and it definitely does help if used within reason.
  6. drew_wymore

    How often do you cry?

    Just pointing out I have a man crush on creepy. Anyways it's been a little while since I've cried but I've had a few breakdowns. Good that you're at least acknowledging and talking about it. That's the hardest part.
  7. drew_wymore

    What have your weight struggles been like?

    I was a skinny kid then I started becoming chubby around the age of 9 and ended being the "fat kid" in elementary school in 4th through 6th grade. Puberty hit and I slimmed down as I put on some height and was active in sports. In my late teens and early 20's I put on a bunch of weight due to...
  8. drew_wymore

    Maintaining a Job!?!?!!?

    Same position as Mini. I was "let go" from my job working for an internet services company because I was always sick. Prior to that job I was working for El Goog but quit because the stress and travel was just too much on my body, loved the job, liked most of the people but I just couldn't do it.
  9. drew_wymore

    How much do you weigh

    I'm 5'9" and before I got sick I was a hefty 230 then on pred I jumped to 240 after having lost 75 pounds so I went from 230 to 155 and then back up to 240 (thanks pred ha). Now I'm back down to 148.
  10. drew_wymore

    Why am I losing so much weight?

    It's gonna take awhile before you are able to keep weight on Santos. I'm down to 148 from 240. I can't keep weight on either to save my life. Maybe you have some intestinal stuff still going on. Drink boost or ensure (which is what I do when I lose more than I think I should be).
  11. drew_wymore


    You know you can have an email address without actually having the service right, right?
  12. drew_wymore

    Insomnia/ Fatigue club

    I just prefer to say that I'm up because my sister lives in Japan so my schedule mirrors the day time in her part of the world ;-)
  13. drew_wymore


    Well that's your problem, using the AOL browser ..or anything related to that company dear.
  14. drew_wymore

    Has anyone had a pill cam?

    Good luck Luchita and the rest of the folks who are having cams in the next little while. Here's a little more info that might help ease any fears you might have. A short video I made of the camera before I swallowed it. I can't find the pics of...
  15. drew_wymore

    Remicade slide - how long 'til it kicks?

    Glad you got your remi yesterday =)
  16. drew_wymore

    Sore throat, not sure what it is. Any ideas?

    Strep is really contagious so if you're around someone who isn't even symptomatic but is carrying it can pass it on and with you being immune suppressed there is a higher likely hood if you catching a bug. I agree, go get it checked out ASAP.
  17. drew_wymore

    Losing control

    Thank you everyone. It really does mean the world to me. I just feel like I can't catch a break once in awhile. I've always been hard on myself even pre-illness to succeed and be successful and this really put a huge fscking wrench in things which weren't exactly going perfect to begin with. I...
  18. drew_wymore

    Losing control

    December is usually my worst month emotionally and so far it hasn't let me down. Today was really hard though. My Aunt called to speak with my Mom and she started asking about me and what I've been doing to try and advance my appeal with the insurance company and it quickly devolved into a...
  19. drew_wymore

    Tails or shooting stars

    That adds more to the puzzle. I get what you're referring to in bright light. I'm really light sensitive though. Maybe try sunglasses and see if they stop.
  20. drew_wymore


    I just took a whole bottle, doesn't work =\ kidding ...