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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. T

    Pain management

    I was able to get 50 MG of Tramadol for my Crohn's pain. It helps temporarily but there is risk of addiction although less addictive than other opiods like Vicodin etc. Less side effects for me too. A simple heating pad has also helped me at times. Hope you found something that works for you.
  2. T

    Colonoscopy and Endoscopy 5/19 Now Pain Ever Since

    45 year old male just had both colonoscopy and endoscopy done on May 19th and that lead to a NEW diagnoses of Crohn's disease along with H. Pylori in my stomach. Have had two perirectal abscesses in the past but Crohn's was ruled out both times by different doctors. I have completed antibiotics...