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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. C

    microbiome, leaky gut remedies beat crohns and RA

    i knew this day would come, but i hoped it wouldnt. it's time for me to depart this forum. seems i have ruffled too many feathers. i wish you all of the best and hope that the information that i've posted will help the members that decide to take control over their health and wellness by...
  2. C

    Identifying dietary triggers after EN remission in children with Crohn’s.

    thanks for the paper. not surprised that reintroducing grains can/does reintroduce ibd symptoms. grains are problematic and should be eliminated/reduced - esp for someone with a history of dysbiosis/ibd
  3. C

    gut dysbiosis/leaky gut the universal disease cause?

    leaky gut precedes crohns. this is big and needs to be well known so that people can take measures to reverse/prevent GEM Study Links Leaky Gut to Crohn’s Disease International project led by...
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    gut dysbiosis/leaky gut the universal disease cause?

    another one from this week. interesting that they created four distinct groups of ibd people based on their microbiomes alone. that could give us some clues Fecal microbiota is associated with extraintestinal...
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    gut dysbiosis/leaky gut the universal disease cause?

    study published this week. they find dysbiosis in crohns - and that dysbiosis correlated with 'lifestyle' Gut microbiota composition in patients with Crohn's disease in Saudi Arabia The results were correlated with the demographic and lifestyle...
  6. C

    New diagnosis of UC and Enteropathic Arthritis

    i recommend she works with her doctor. which likely means educating her doctor. we see what doctors know/do on this forum. drugs all day every day. drugs are a poor substitute for root cause reversal - but can be helpful/necessary as an adjunct treatment to reversing the root cause of ibd...
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    Seroquel Causing Loose Output

    glad to hear that you are doing better
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    Seroquel Causing Loose Output

    tony, consider a capsule of bacillus coagulans per day. i have a thread about it in the 'research' section. bc is the chuck norris of bacteria takes weeks/months to turn the thing around, billions working on trillions. if you start it, stay with it, stay patient for 3 months. then assess...
  9. C

    More bloating and gas after a resection?

    suggest you take a look at kefir. it's a fermented milk with great beneficial bacteria and no lactose. a superior gut healing tool grains can CAUSE lactose intolerance by damaging the little fingers in the small intestine. at the tips of these fingers is where the chemical is made that...
  10. C

    I am now in remission

    how many different plant foods do you eat/day? took a quick look at that diet, looks like it includes plenty of microbiome friendly plant fibers. is this correct? if you will, list the plants/fibers you are using. thanks!
  11. C

    New diagnosis of UC and Enteropathic Arthritis

    getting a lot of flack from the drug users/promoters on this board - complaining to admin, deleting my posts, etc. pm me for specific recommendations. you can beat this, i promise
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    this cardiologist is great. he went searching for the root cause of heart disease and it led him to becoming a microbiome expert
  13. C

    New diagnosis of UC and Enteropathic Arthritis

    in my case physical therapy didnt help inflammatory arthritis. it made it worse, if anything. it's not a physical problem. it's a gut microbiome problem
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    this microbiologist is on it. enjoyed this video, highly recommend edit for topics covered/touched on: his group is REALLY high on spore probiotics (like bacillus coagulans) - calls them universal colonizers, fit for all guts bifid breve, bifid subtilis, bifid longum = good butyrate...
  15. C

    personal success stories with gut health protocols

    people in my life that i personally know and have been involved with correcting their suffering -- all of these in the last two-ish years. almost every one of these tried medical first, with poor/no results. i'm not including the people i've helped on the internet. me - ibd symptoms...
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    sibo, sifo, candida, biofilms

    l. casei, a widely available probiotic, does well vs h. pylori Lactobacillus casei was identified the best for H. pylori eradication rates
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    methotrexate, inflectra, remicade are drugs for dysbiosis

    fda approvals for methotrexate -- what do we find? a list of diseases with dysbiosis as the root cause,s016,s017.pdf
  18. C

    b. infantis and b. breve for baby guts

    recent studies are finding bad baby guts in breastfeeders. that's something that really needs to be looked it. b. infantis supplementing appears to stick around for at least a year. that's big, colony established b. infantis as a standard supplement for all babies...
  19. C

    b. infantis and b. breve for baby guts

    read quite a few of these studies/trials about b. infantis supplementing of babies. i'm seeing strong results in getting a pioneer base of bifids going in their guts. early term babies really showed well in their trial. baby dysbiosis is a thing. b. infantis sounds like best of breed...
  20. C

    Short-chain fatty acids, butyrate, and Ulcerative Colitis

    david, where are you at on this now? you were way ahead of everybody in 2012