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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. W

    Skeptical about Crohn's diagnosis

    I'm 63 and it just showed up completely out of the blue. Crazy crazy stuff!!! Thank you
  2. W

    Skeptical about Crohn's diagnosis

    Yes, I've read that here on the sight, regarding having to have fail before getting approved for Skyrizi. I am drinking bone broth in the interim to see if that provides any relief in the 2-4 weeks it may take to get started on some type of treatment path. Really not convinced I have Crohn's...
  3. W

    Skeptical about Crohn's diagnosis

    The prednisone is to treat my arthritis and make it manageable until we get this under control. I am currently waiting on insurance approval to get started on Skyrizi. Thank you for your feedback :)
  4. W

    Skeptical about Crohn's diagnosis

    Hi everyone, thank you for all of this great information. I was recently diagnosed with Crohn's after waking up in the middle of the night about 3 months ago with my hands and wrists on fire. This came completely out of the blue with no warning signs what so ever. I went to my primary physician...