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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. F

    Is this biopsy enough for an official Crohns diagnosis?

    Just got the biopsy results back. Colonscopy showed aphtous ulcers (didnt say with inflammation) in ileum. And a continous inflammation in colon and rectum along with erosions. These are the biospy results. 1- Ileal mucosa within normal limits. (Ileum biopsy) 2- Minimally inflamed colonic...
  2. F

    Does this biopsy indicate Crohns?

    CT will be done in feb. Appointment to gastro this month on the 28th. Ive no idea what to expect. I sure hope to God its not Crohns. But if it is, what kind of treatmrnt should i ask the gastro to put me on guys. I heard biologics have cancer risk.
  3. F

    Does this biopsy indicate Crohns?

    symptoms: loose BMs tho sometimes good. Gas. Sometimes mild abdominal pain. Epescleritis (i think) I had blood in toilet water once (whichs why i got the colonscopy in the first place), its good now, stopped happening. Thats probably it. Im mostly normal. Like 95% of the time i pretty am...
  4. F

    Does this biopsy indicate Crohns?

    Just got the biopsy results back. Colonscopy showed aphtous ulcers in ileum. And a continous inflammation in colon and rectum. These are the biospy results. 1- Ileal mucosa within normal limits. (Ileum biopsy) 2- Minimally inflamed colonic mucosa with scattered, non-necrotizing...