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  1. Kittee

    Uhm Cancer diagnosis?

    Thanks all. I'm still just hanging in here until Thurs.
  2. Kittee

    Uhm Cancer diagnosis?

    The general consensus is that will be the case. It's just something you ever want to hear.
  3. Kittee

    Uhm Cancer diagnosis?

    I just got the bad news that my reseceted tissue tested positive for cancerous cells... I had a few inches of my small bowel removed last week. Can anyone give me some good stories about this? I'm a little panicked.
  4. Kittee

    My resection story... (Kinda scary beware)

    It's funny but in my area the hospitals are joined and work as partners. The surgeon is the "Golden" surgeon here so I know she was doing her job, it's just be a really poopy experience. I had the surgery on Tues, it's Friday night now, I sure hope by Monday I feel better and this can become a...
  5. Kittee

    My resection story... (Kinda scary beware)

    I've had a rollercoaster of pain and emotions since the surgery tues morning. The anesthesiologist came and apologized to me, because my epidural failed, and I woke up multiple times during surgery. (Thankfully I don't remember that.) Then after, the pcu nurses didn't know that it wasn't...
  6. Kittee

    Humira No Longer Works

    Yep. That's where I am at too. I'm about to have surgery and if it comes back, that's where I am headed. Humira stopped for me too.
  7. Kittee

    I've been really stupid!!

    Can you try electronic cigs ? Not the terrible ones you buy at the convience store but perhaps the good ones you get at a smoke shop? Then you can get your nicotine fix but only inhale vapors which isn't harmful at all. I vape to stay sane. It's not harmful to your health like ciggerettes and...
  8. Kittee

    I was admitted.

    Kinda the same news. Still here stuck but I was allowed to go get some Starbucks ! and they have put me on clear liquids. It's not much but it's better than nothing. I also scoped out the food court downstairs so I'm thinking I might sneak down there later and scarf down some grub. Since I'm...
  9. Kittee

    I was admitted.

    Ok saw one of the surgeons. He needs to talk with my actual surgeons partner and I'll get some answers in a few hours. They are concerned that I've lost 20lbs in the last month. And they are concerned about my upper stricture/blockage area because its so high up he said that it makes the...
  10. Kittee

    I was admitted.

    Oh I'm on a stupid IV. With potassium and dextrose. Still here this morning. Docs should be making rounds in a bit. Hope I get some answers.
  11. Kittee

    I was admitted.

    I get the feeling that is kinda what is going on here. I was begging tonight for anything just a simple cup of hot TEA for christs sake. I haven't had anything since Thurs at 5pm!!!!! They aren't doing the surgery over the long holiday weekend, so it's irresponsible to expect me to remain NPO...
  12. Kittee

    I was admitted.

    I should have posted the full story earlier, sorry, I have in other parts of the forum but not here. Duh. Ok... At the end of July while on vacation I got an obstruction. I'd been feeling poorly for a few days before that but I figured it was just my flare symptoms. Bad pains etc, I was just...
  13. Kittee

    I was admitted.

    After a month long horror story (was blocked last month, almost had emergency surgery in a podunk small town while on vacation) I've landed in the hospital. Thurs night I became blocked again, same symptoms, extreme pain, vomiting etc. My GI doctor sent me to the ER yesterday at about this time...
  14. Kittee

    BCBS (of IL) is jacking me around, any advice?

    I have BCBS and they set up my humira through wallgreens special pharmacy. They call once a month to verify my address etc. Costs me $5.00. Are you sure you understood them correctly?
  15. Kittee

    Second obstruction...questions?

    Hey thanks for sharing your story. My surgical consult is thurs, I'll keep you posted. I am sick again tonight as a matter of fact so surgery is looking good right now.
  16. Kittee

    MRI results are back... thoughts?

    Findings: There is bowel wall thickening and mucosal hyperenhancement involving the jejunum in the left upper quadrant. There is congestion of the adjacent vasa recta. There is more focal bowel wall thickening and stenosis of a loop of jejunum in the left upper quadrant (series 21, image 26)...
  17. Kittee

    Intestinal Blockage / Obstruction Support Group

    Well, poop. 2weeks ago I had an full blown obstruction in rural bumb duck GA while on vacation. Emergency hospital visit. They wanted to do surgery, I refused. Came home, saw doc, got on pred etc. Had my MRE yesterday, haven't heard a peep back yet. So figued it must have been clear. WRONG...
  18. Kittee

    Second obstruction...questions?

    Yup that's what I'm afraid of. NO MORE VOMIT. Sorry to hear that you vomited your car too. My husband did a pretty great job cleaning it, and I've gone through a few bottles of fabreeze but detailing may not be a bad idea. I'll call my doctor tomorrow if I don't poop before then. Ick.
  19. Kittee

    Second obstruction...questions?

    Well talk about a crappy week. My family and I went on vacation Monday, and I wasn't feeling the best. I've been on Humira now for about 6 months and usually before and a few days after my shot I normally get some twinges and pain so I ignored my "gut" instincts and carried on with the well...
  20. Kittee

    Pens or syringes?

    I have done 6 pens so far and I did have a misfire. I should have thought to call but I just threw it away. I am going to ask for the prefilled syringes next time. I cannot stand that click. I'd rather do it myself. I have no problems with needles however