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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. W

    Imuran VS yellow fever vaccine

    Hi. I have crohn and now i was supposed to go working to Angola - Luanda. My doctor said, No you can't go to Angola, because you can't take the yellow fever vaccine and you can die in Angola... I have never had any problem with this disease, but know i'm really ungry about this this because i...
  2. W

    What kind of examinations do you have done?

    Hi. Yes that's very helpful, I'm from Portugal and I didn't know the name or if even exist. Thanks
  3. W

    What kind of examinations do you have done?

    Hi people. My question is: What kind of exames do you do for routine the diseases? Do you know any other exames than colonoscopi? I wonder if ther is a kind of exame that I take a pill with a micro camera and she take photos of my interior, this kind of exame would be less painfully. If you...
  4. W

    Whity with 10 years of experience in crohn

    Hi. I'm Nuno, I have 28 years old and I have this diseases from my 18 years. I can know eat and do a more regular life, I only don't eat few things. Meanwhile I was wondering if there was a forum of my diseases and I found your. I hope I can learn something here and give the support I can...