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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. B

    Not really my story but my sons (long)

    We have decided to go the surgery route with my son with uc. His appointment with the surgeon in November 17,with surgery possibly over Thanksgiving holidays. Silly kid is worried about missing a semester at school! My emotions are mixed!! On one hand, I'm ready for some relief but on the...
  2. B

    Not really my story but my sons (long)

    I'll be thinking about ya'll today. Now you know why doctors say they are "practcing" medicine::tongue:
  3. B

    Not really my story but my sons (long)

    Hi Mr Joe, My son is also effected, not by crohns's but by ulcerastive colitis. I completely understand how you feel as a parent. It absolutely kills me that I can't do anything to help him or make him feel better. I guess I'm a control person and there's nothing I can control about this...
  4. B

    Officially an Ostomate!

    answers, please!! After reading all the posts, I'd like to know if anyone has a j-pouch and how many times you go to the bathroom daily. My son is considering a j-pouch surgery b/c nothing else is even touching his u c. Also, about how long is the recovery? Thanks, guys. I am so happy I...
  5. B

    My Story for a parent with a child with uc

    Thank you both for answering me. The surgery he will have is the colostomy with a j-pouch. Theren just has to be something to help us. He is so not himself and I miss HIM so much.
  6. B

    My Story for a parent with a child with uc

    At this point, we feel completely broken and beaten down. My son was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis in May 2009 when he was 19. Since then, things have only gotten worse. No medicine has had any effect at all. He has had several doses of Remicade with no improvement whatsoever. We saw a...