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  1. D

    Crohn’s and now blood clots – I’m worried

    @GutlessWonder86 Thank you for the reply. I am having my INR checked today. I'm still on the Lovenox (last shot today) and coumadin (generic) pill maybe for the rest of my life. (I'm 30 year-old male, diagnosed with Crohn's about six years ago.) My blood tests have not come back yet, so I don't...
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    Pulmonary Embolism following Surgery

    To CyCrohn Hang in there guy. As they say, it's darkest before dawn. You'll make it. Just stay positive... that's the key. And just roll with it. If you believe you'll have your life back, you will. Envision your future, with you being healthy. I have read an incredible amount about my...
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    Crohn’s and now blood clots – I’m worried

    Thank you for the info. I'm still in the hospital, though I might get out today. They won't know what caused the clots until all the blood labs come back in a few weeks or so. It's reassuring to know there are others who had clots and don't need blood thinner for the rest of their life.
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    Crohn’s and now blood clots – I’m worried

    Thank you for the message. Did they find anything in your blood that caused the clotting? i mean, other than them saying, "it's the Crohn's," is there an actual medical condition causing your clots? If you're not on warfarin, what ae you on? Did they say why they don't think it's working? I was...
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    Pulmonary Embolism following Surgery

    Hello. Sorry to hear about your situation. You're lucky you survived the PE. I think they just will put you on blood thinners. Compared to the effects and drugs for Crohn's, PE medications seem tame. If you had a re-section, make sure you get your B-12 levels checked. I get low, so I need shots...
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    Crohn’s and now blood clots – I’m worried

    I'm a 30 year old male from upstate NY. I'm right now in the hospital for blood clots (DVT, PE - both lungs). I had a bowel re-section August '09 for my Crohn's disease (had a fistula repaired - surgery started lap but went to open) and have been good since. I don't know what's going on, and if...