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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. J

    Stoma and dating

    I have been dating my girlfriend for about 5 years now. When we first met, she didn't know I had my stoma for about 2 months. Then I finally told her. We had 'sleepovers' and she did not know. She asked questions about and I told her. I'm very open about my stoma to her, and try my best to...
  2. J

    Since 1989...

    Yes it was him
  3. J

    What alcohol do people with crohns drink?

    Drinking... I've done some of my best drinking since I had my ileostomy in place. I turned 21, and started drinking. I still drink to this day and now I'm 28. I drink probably once to twice a week. I don't drink till I'm drunk, but I will have about 4 beers each time I drink. I don't notice...
  4. J

    Since 1989...

    I have had Crohn's Disease. This is something that my family and I have never been through before, and I don't always keep up on all the current trends or anything like that. I found this forum when I was doing research on the 'stealthbelt' which I am NOT going to get. I can't find any sort of...