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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. KillJoySpaceBoy

    6MP and joint pain?

    I started on 50MG of 6MP back in September. On January 27th I went to a new GI in Stanford and she bumped me up to what she called a "therapeutic" dose (75MG). I went into the hospital on February 2nd for an abscess and ended up getting a bowel resection on March 28th. Since I got home I've...
  2. KillJoySpaceBoy

    Nopalea Juice?

    Was watching TV and an infomercial came on about an "all natural" antiinflammitory juice made from cactus. I'm very skeptical about these TV medications. Generally their side-effects seem to be worse than whatever they cure. Does anyone have any experience with this magical mystery juice?
  3. KillJoySpaceBoy


    For the last month and a half or so I've struggled with an abcsess. They think it's a fistula and a bowel resection has been suggested, but I'm only 21 and would like to avoid that. I'm sitting in a hospital bed right now waiting to have my second my drain tube put in. Can anyone give me any...
  4. KillJoySpaceBoy

    Acne after Asocol/Prednisone?

    I've been on Prednisone for a few weeks now and started Asocol about three weeks ago. Well maybe about a week and a half ago my back and chest started to break out. I did a little research. Some people break out from the Prednisone, some people break out after they stop taking the Prednisone...
  5. KillJoySpaceBoy

    Refried beans on a full liquid diet?

    After a colonoscopy last Thursday, I finally have a solid diagnosis! My doctor put me on Prednisone that very day. He told me to be on a full liquid diet for the time being. It's fine, but I'm finding it difficult to come up with meal replacements that aren't dairy based (I'm not a fan of milks...
  6. KillJoySpaceBoy

    I'm in Limbo.

    I've only heard in passing about the whole skipping generations thing, and I guess I believed it because my grandma had it but no one else in my family is afflicted. I'm one of the first people to say there's always thousands of people who have it worse than you, but it's frustrating...
  7. KillJoySpaceBoy

    On-the-go diet?

    I'm in diagnostic limbo at the moment but I've been having a flare up since November. I'm at work or school every day (except Sunday) from 8am-4pm/10pm. I don't have a lot of time to prepare meals so I buy a lot of deli sandwiches (I don't eat fast food though). It's expensive and I'm probably...
  8. KillJoySpaceBoy

    I'm in Limbo.

    Yeah, it's been a roller coaster. The pseudo GI at the hospital prescribed me vicodin and some sort of anti-nausea medication which I never took. I've been on Famotidine for about a year, but have been recently upgraded to Nexium for the Acid Reflux. I was on Dicyclomine for IBS for about two...
  9. KillJoySpaceBoy

    I'm in Limbo.

    Hi. I'm 20 years old. For the last two or three years I've been having gastrointestinal problems. It started with a IBS diagnosis, then inactive colitis after my first colonoscopy. After being medicated for about a year or so I had an upper GI and I was diagnosed with Acid Reflux Syndrome and...