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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. J


    Dexky, His name is Ben, we call him Benni :o) He is a very big boy for his age, always has been and he is a big eater, he eats more than me most days! He does get diarrhea but nothing that I have ever worried about, until now; because I was so busy looking at his respiratory symptoms. He will be...
  2. J


    I don't mean for the above to sound like i'm complaining, because things could be so much worse, I just want to be positive, proactive and practical about what we do for him, and I found with the aspergers it has helped to talk to other people so I thought I would do the same with this.
  3. J


    Troy, thank you so much for that analogy. We did the same thing when we found out we were having a baby, rushed around crazy for a couple of weeks then realised we had plenty of time! I guess I am doing the same thing now because I just want answers about what to do, I’m not good without answers...
  4. J

    I'm Proud Of My Child Because......

    We don't know what's going on with my son as yet, but I just wanted to post and share my pride in him, I hope that's ok? He is 2 and has survived whooping cough at 6 weeks, and 5 surgeries in the last six months, with the last one being over the weekend, and just takes it all in his stride. He...
  5. J


    Hi, I'm not sure if anyone can offer some advice or help. My 2 year old son had surgery a few days ago to remove a fistula. The surgeon said it could be a one off or maybe Crohn's Disease. The surgeon was not worried and says we'll wait to see. I'm not thrilled with that response, because my son...