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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. G

    New and here for my daughter

    Thanks, DustyKat! That's wonderful advice. 18 months is a long time to wait for an answer. Sometimes I'm afraid I'm going to miss something - like that moment when maybe I should be taking her to the emergency room rather than treating it as just another episode. This is truly...
  2. G

    New and here for my daughter

    Thanks, AZMOM. Your baby has JRA and Crohn's - both at such a young age. It just doesn't seem fair. You are so right about autoimmune diseases. There is no checklist that we all fit neatly into. It's hard to make anyone that has never had an experience with an autoimmune disease...
  3. G

    New and here for my daughter

    Hi! Thank you for responding. We've asked her and she has not had blood. At least she hasn't noticed it if she has. The doctor at Children's Hospital seemed to take note of the pain in her hands. I read up on it after we left and apparently it can be a symptom of Crohn's in children...
  4. G

    New and here for my daughter

    Hi! I posted this in the My Story section and thought I would simply copy and paste here. Please forgive the long length. This has been such a complicated experience and it's so hard to put into just a few words... I'm hoping I can find some answers here. My daughter is having a lot of...
  5. G

    Here for my daughter

    Thank you! Thank you all for your responses! I'm taking note of everything you've told me. I found through my own experience with my Psoriatic Arthritis that there is no greater source of information than those who have suffered.
  6. G

    Here for my daughter

    Hello. I'm hoping I can find some answers here. My daughter is having a lot of problems and I'm about at the end of my rope. Four years ago I was diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis. I found a board similar to this and found a wealth of knowledge and support. Now, I'm seeking out the same...