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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. M

    12 year old having problems with Remicade

    We have not tried Humira, but he said that Remicade was our best chance for making her feel better. I am starting to get the feeling that he has blinders on when it comes to the Remicade. She has had two very bad reactions and now is not getting any relief from the Remicade. Still, he wants...
  2. M

    12 year old having problems with Remicade

    My daughter was diagnosed with Crohns almost a year ago. She was skin and bones, lethargic, covered in a rash and had horrible joint pain. She was scoped and the GI specialist said that she was a text book case. He also said that she was having a severe enough flare that she would be hard to...
  3. M

    11 year old daughter diagnosed with crohn's

    My 11 year old daughter was diagnosed formally today with crohn's disese by colonospy and endoscopy. She has sores all the way down her esophagus and at where the small intestine meet the large entistine. She has been experiencing abdominal pain, diareah, eye problems, mouth sores and weight...