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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. momonthepond


    snookums Thank you for the support! I look back on things that have happened to me over the years, and I too now believe that this disease has been "cooking" in me for a while. I always thought that my prior tummy troubles we from the dogs (I have a kennel) or work (I work in a factory). I...
  2. momonthepond

    Arthritis questions

    DOMSMOM You sound just like my experience! My right knee,left hip,left baby finger, right thumb and the fourth toe on my right foot! How weird is that? Swelling in both knees and legs is significant. Pain in the knee is the worst and movement helps a little. Newly diagnosed with CD and not...
  3. momonthepond


    Thanks for the info! Did the prednisone make you swell up like a toad? My knees already look like footballs! I am way behind in my flower beds cause I can't bend my knees enough to get down on them to work! How do you manage to get the Flagyl down? I had one get stuck in my throat and...
  4. momonthepond


    I have an appt. the day after my colonoscopy with my FP. We will go over a treatment plan and I will mention the Humira and the prednisone. I don't think he has ever had much dealings with CD. I will also speak to the Gastro when I have my colonoscopy and see what he recommends. All this is...
  5. momonthepond


    Hi Everyone! I was just diagnosed with Crohn's 2 weeks ago. I had a full hip replacement in Dec and it came on after 2 doses of strong antibiotics after 2 dental visits. I have not been right since. I have been on 4 antibiotics to try and get my system back in shape to absolutely no avail...