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  1. D

    Has any1 had a pelvic ultrasound scan please

    has any1 had a pelvic ultrasound scan please im going for a pelvic ultrasound scan in an hour, but ive been looking up about it and people are talking about it including a transvaginal scan??? on my letter it says complex abdominal scan (abdominal and pelvic) so would i need a transvaginal scan??
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    Pain under left ribs???

    pain under left ribs??? After i eat a large meal or drink alot of fluid i get sore under my left ribs. its like a sore bruise feeling, like you've been punched (sorry im not good at explaining) it lasts a few hours, has any1 else had this
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    B12 injections, help

    Im wanting to prove to my GI that my b12 levels didnt go down because of my diet as i eat meat everyday. My GP thinks ive got crohns but my GI refuses to think so. but there is no other reason why my i would of had a b12 deffiency as i eat meat everyday.
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    B12 injections, help

    Im not sure why i have a B12 deficiency i eat plenty of meat but my GI hasnt found any crohns or colitis just two apthous ulcer at my terminal ileum so i guess thats whats causing it.
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    B12 injections, help

    ive had my loading does of 6 injections two months ago and my next injection is due nect month (as i need them every 3 months) however i was wondering when i should get my blood took to check my b12 levels to see if i need the next injection or not. would it of gone down now??? its been two...
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    Skin in poo???

    its excatly the same as what happened to this person.
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    Skin in poo???

    skin in poo??? On the toilet roll i noticed something with blood all over, it looked like a onion peeling but rolled up. so i put some gloves on and rinsed all the blood off and rolled it out and it looked like skin? i havent ate anything that looks like this, all i had yesterday was bread and...
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    Biopsy showed 'mild non-specific changes'

    The biopsies from my colon showed 'mild non-specific changes' what does this means??
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    If you have crohns in terminal ileum, can you get left side pain?

    I have suspected crohns in my terminal ileum due to B12 and folic defficencies and ulceres found during colonscopy however all my pain is on my lower left hand side which travels up to my left shoulder and lower left back?? has any1 got crohns in the terminal ileum but got pain on their left...
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    Water leaking out of me????

    im not sure, ive had a normal poo aswell but the water is still coming out. i dont understand how it is clear when its mixed with poo??
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    Water leaking out of me????

    yesterday i had a weird feeling in my bum like there was water there but when i went to the toilet my bum was stopping it coming out by contracting. This went on all day with me rushing to the toilet thinking i was going to have diarrhea but everytime i sat down my bum would push it back up...
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    Neck pain and bowel pain

    I get pains in my shoulder/chest and neck and my doctor told me that the nerves from the intestines and stomach run up the shoulder so will cause you to get pains there.
  13. D

    Disabilty help I found this website, hope it helps x
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    Colonscopy found 2 ulcer on my ileum but GI wont explain??

    My symptoms are lower left abdominal pain, blood and mucus in stools and ive also got low B12 and folate levels. my GI said my symptoms sounded like i had crohns so he wanted to make sure my doing a colonoscopy, but afterwards he told me everything looked ok but he took 5 biopsys from different...
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    Colonscopy found 2 ulcer on my ileum but GI wont explain??

    colonscopy found 2 ulcer on my ileum but GI wont explain?? does anyone know what they are and what causes them, also are the a symptom of crohns? thanks
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    Colonscopy found 2 apthous ulcers on ilium?

    I had my colonscopy yesterday and in the report it said they found two apthous ulcers on the terminal ilium. has any1 else had these and what do they mean>??
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    How to know if laxatives have fully cleared you out???

    Mine is still brown but fully liquid? or should it be clear in colour?
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    Fleet phospho-soda?!

    ive got my colonscopy tomorrow and i took my first bottle of fleet phospho-soda at 9.00am ive got to take my the last bottle at 9.00pm but i dont think im going to be able to drink it all as it makes me feel to sick. would it be ok if i just drank half of it???????
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    Nuts in stool put didnt eat nuts????

    Ive nots alot of nuts in my stool and on the stool on the toilet paper but i havent ate nuts for ages. is this something to worry about?
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    Really worried about colonscopy :-(

    Ive been booked in for a colonscopy in 2 weeks time but im sooo nervous, i suffer from anxiety so this is going to be really hard for me. i was just wanting to know what its like. does it hurt? can you feel it going in? would my mam be allowed to stay with me?? and also ive heard that you get...